I responded to a prompt on r/writingprompts 2 years ago and published 2 full-length fantasy novels!
View Reddit by randallfcooper – View Source
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I responded to a prompt on r/writingprompts 2 years ago and published 2 full-length fantasy novels!
View Reddit by randallfcooper – View Source
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In case you’d like to read the original prompt or want more
info on the books, you can
find that here:
I’m happy answering any questions too! 🙂
Awesome, congratulations!
What was the prompt?
Did you give /u/palaceofficial a cut?
Congrats !
You look so proud, AND YOU SHOULD BE! Congrats homie 🥳
That’s awesome!! Congrats!!
Duuuuude is that a Pokémon card of your dog on the background?
Pretty damn cool, congrats!
Congratulations, but did you hunt down PalaceOfficial and send them an initial concept gift?
Living the life, OP! Congrats!!!
How much did it cost to publish them?
Hey, I see you have a good work ethic and good pace. Would you like to write a couple books for us?
We need one called Winds of Winter and one called Dream of Spring. We have some existing lore and world building you can build on. It stems from a project abandoned by its current writer.
Amazing accomplishment!
You published them yourself…?
Congratulations, how did you get published? Did you take it to someone? Stiff like this is awesome
Congrats! and also Pokémon dog card is awesome
That’s amazing! Go you!
That’s incredible. Fantasy isn’t my jam but I have so much respect for the discipline and dedication it takes to write a book. Best of luck with it!
Where do you go to get independently published? Cause I’m sitting on a book and I don’t know where to send it to.
If you are interested in having them narrated into audio books, you can go over to ACX and have people audition for it. You can either pay them a flat rate, or shared profit system. The books are then up on Audible for a broader audience.
Outstanding! BTW, “Contact,” I really like that movie.
Super cool, good job man.
Where do we buy them? I’ve always loved a fantasy novel, but not nearly as much as I’ve always loved helping peoples dreams grow!
Nice one! An inspiration to us all!
Good job, pal!
That is a huge accomplishment!
I sure would love to see more of that wonder from you.
Congrats, Cooper! So awesome to see these out 😀
Looks like a proud father.
How are the sales doing?