I prototype dumb ideas in my head so today I made the Dusty Dish.
I prototype dumb ideas in my head so today I made the Dusty Dish. from funny
View Reddit by rightcoastguy – View Source
I prototype dumb ideas in my head so today I made the Dusty Dish.
I prototype dumb ideas in my head so today I made the Dusty Dish. from funny
View Reddit by rightcoastguy – View Source
I love all your inventions and would love to buy them somewhere lol. Especially the hose for the car AC.
Won’t the button be dusty?
Just use chopsticks
This is not dumb
should be operated by foot pedal, switch is gonna get all cheesy
This is stupid, I love it. Though the chopsticks hack makes this obsolete.
Licking my fingers afterwards is the best moment of the session
Gotta have me a finger lathe.
Nice try Aaron Rodgers
Make the spinny part round instead of square and you’ve got yourself a sale!
Love his YouTube channel
It’s called Unnecessary Inventions
That sponge would get so nasty.
As an engineer this bothers me. Why is the spinning part square instead of round. Why does the whole thing spin, instead of just the inside? Why a sponge, wouldn’t a brush be better.
This bothers me sooooo much! Lol.
So do you lick the sponge after you’ve finished all your chips?
I feel like he’s running out of genuinely dumb ideas and straying more and more into legitimately useful ones.
Or chopsticks
It’s a dumber prototype because it doesn’t use a pressure switch to activate the spinning cleaning pad…
Make this voice activated
The button to turn it on/off is gonna get greasy soooo fast :s
Does it also help against the own disgust after inhaling a full bag?
That’s what I thought…
Every time I see this guys products there is always a chain of thinking that goes from “wow this would actually be so great to have!”, all the way down to “no, wait, never mind” once I’ve actually thought about the details of it.
This one went:
– “hmm, you have to press the on switch with dirty fingers, then you’ll have to turn it off after which means you’re touching a dirty switch with clean fingers.”
– “so it would probably be better just to have it on constantly, but that would make it hard to actually eat out of the bowl, plus it’s almost definitely noisy.”
– “so maybe it would be better if it wasn’t in the bowl, but just an external device”
– “But it would still be noisy, and to have a device randomly spinning next to you would probably cause more problems than it would fix, so it would be better if it wasn’t spinning”
– “You know what, it would probably be easier just be a slightly damp cloth to keep nearby, you wouldn’t need a device at all.”
Every one of these is more useful than the last.
Just use chop sticks.
Cool, but just lick your fingers. Literally the best part
I use chop sticks
How to sand away your finger tips 101
Great way to get rid of those pesky finger prints.
Careful man you’re once again dangerously close to a multimillion dollar as seen on tv idea here.
A couple light modifications and you’d have a product.
….but this is what pants are for
Should have a colander bottom to filter the crumbs!
don’t but irl just use chopsticks
My husband uses mini tongs from the dollar store. They come in a 3 pack 🤷♀️
Put a hole in the center of the sponge so you can stick definitely only your fingers in the damp hole.
I actually would love to have this
Bro, we’ve hashed this out with the reddit hivemind a few times now. You just keep making stupid things people will totally want.
In all seriousness I love hearing about your ideas. You’ve had some pretty novel and hilarious stuff.
I just eat Cheetos with chop sticks
It needs a pressure sensitive switch, so you just apply a little pressure for it to start spinning.