Sunday, October 27All That Matters

I miss videogame magazines.

I miss videogame magazines.

I miss videogame magazines.

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  • Robbin__Banks

    I was thinking about scanning my collection of game magazines and uploading them to a free sharing data preservation museum style website. Anybody know of anything like that?

  • VeitranAi

    There’s a Dutch publication called Power Unlimited which was a massive part of my gaming upbringing. Don’t think I’d love the medium as much as I do now without that magazine. Still have them somewhere in my storage shed.

  • ThriftStore_PWRglove

    Aaah yeah. There was nothing quite like the absolute THRILL of getting the month’s Nintendo Power magazine out of the mailbox and going through it front to back just over and over 😂

  • mrhippoj

    Man, Cloud and Lara Croft are so iconic, they didn’t even know what they had at this point

    Edit: I guess they did with Lara since it’s Tomb Raider 2

  • Rumble_Rodent

    You can actually still get game informer apparently. Stopped by GameStop and was chatting with the clerk and we got to talkin on it. He was like “yeah here, we have last months copy you can have it” and tossed me a game informer mag like a cool dude lol. Was pretty excited to get home and finger through it. Maybe you can crab a copy at your local video game store?

  • Rustmonger

    Back before the Internet when you could get a gaming magazine with a CD filled with the latest demos. It was just the best. Also, a souls like nightmare creatures reboot would be dope.

  • Neoxite23

    I was so excited when I got a new issue of Nintendo Power. Now I hate Nintendo and haven’t bought a console since after N64.

    Guess tastes change.

  • Morning1980

    I wish I kept mine. I remember getting Sega Power and having to limit my daily reading so I didn’t read it on one day and have to wait 30 days for the next issue

  • GaIIick

    I still remember the Secret of Mana Nintendo Power in the school library, sitting on the magazine rack in the corner by the window. Things were simpler back then.

    That was 30 years ago 😔

  • cat_financier

    When I was a kid, before the Internet was real common place, my brother and I would walk down to the local convenience store and I’d have to decide between buying comic books or the latest EGM. I used to read every page of those magazines over and over, just imagining how cool some of those games were gonna be when they released.

    But once we had Internet access, I’d basically do the same thing, just on forums, reading all the hype and rumors about the Dreamcast. Still, great memories.

  • Tynda3l

    Kids today have no concept of how cool these magazines were.

    So much information about all games you might or might not play, easily accessible.

    Fuck, I had a copy of gamespot that was the entire Re1 Jill walk through.

  • social_sin

    My goal as a kid was to be one of the writers for those and have one of those cool little monikers and avatar pictures like they had in I think it was EGM where the writers had names like Four-Eyed Dragon who did a lot of rpg reviews and Lamchops who did fighting games.

    I miss the days when I had bright shiny eyes for the game magazines

  • avsdhpn

    I subscribed to Nintendo Power from about the time Majora’s Mask came out (which was the first edition I received), all the way up to the end. However, my subscription expired right before they sent out the final edition, what luck.

    I was going to buy it off Ebay but unfortunately the price was exorbitant for a single issue.

  • The_Elder_Jock

    I used to read the UKs N64 magazine back in the day. God damn that was a fun bunch on staff.

    Can’t stomach the “journalism” they put out nowadays.

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