Monday, March 17All That Matters

I miss the Dead Rising games. I spent so much time playing the first and second games. I wish they’d make another decent one.


I miss the Dead Rising games. I spent so much time playing the first and second games. I wish they’d make another decent one.


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  • Just recently finished dead rising 100% all achievements on Xbox was a fun ride and I’d highly recommend!

    Going for all the achievements ina game makes it so much more interesting and fun.

  • They really butchered it by going for a bigger world. So much of the fun came from being in an enclosed common area that’s overrun with zombies. An amusement park would have been a much better alternative than a whole town. Even something like a large aquarium/zoo combo.

  • Biggest Water Park Ever Grand Opening, Teenage MC (or you get a choice) with their group of friends having fun being awkward then BOOM!! Explosions in the distance as an Oil Truck 🚚 smashes into multiple parked cars close to the entrance of the park blocking the exit (RE2 Reference). The driver crawls out the window bleeding and with a broken leg and arm, security staff at the entrance rush to the incident. They examine the driver who is standing with his back to them, he starts to groan ominously… Suddenly he launches himself at them and sinks his teeth into one of the guards neck, blood spurts everywhere as panic ensues and onlookers flee back into the park. The MC and their friends are concerned about the sounds in the distance as faint screams begin permeating the air, the panic stricken guests run aimlessly through the park not realising that due to the park owners fear of ticket evading teenagers there is only one exit for guests with the other exits only accessible to staff. We get a zoom shot of the spreading zombie infection as multiple people lay bitten at the entrance whilst new zombies are eating fresh victims.

    From here you could do a skip ‘x’ hours to setup the park being filled with zombies or you could break with traditional zombie tropes and Not skip the spread stage, changing up the Dead Rising formula and limiting availbe weapons thus making it hard to kill zombies on mass until you gain access to your first Blueprint Water park themed weapon would add to the tension and also boost the effectiveness of a skill tree. Perhaps a group approach where you take some of the other teenagers with you to try and escape or to find a missing friend/younger siblings or older guardian who fell asleep in the Lazy River. Having buddies to watch your back (more effective AI then in Dead Rising 2 but still somewhat limited, maybe you could give them more specific orders) would lessen some of the lingering isolation players felt from the Town sections of Dead Rising 4. Importantly all the rides need to be functioning still for comedic effect e.g. the Wave Pool having a thousand zombies stuck in it would be amazing. Sacrificing a massive open world in exchange for Thousands of Zombies is the way to go. No Vehicles, maybe large groups of survivors left but never perfectly safe in their hiding spots as this removes tension. Military locking down the Park is a give, a reporter sneaking in and them wearing a swimsuit also a given. With the restrictions on number of weapons I think a Wipe out all Zombies Mode could also work with a tough choice at the end if one of your group gets bit, NO ZOMBREX it’s time we went back to classic zombie rules.

  • Definitely one of the greats in the zombie game family. Better than Resident Evil I’d even argue. The pinnacle of “Yeah I’d totally be awesome in a zombie apocalypse” fantasy game.

    Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead, and Project Zomboid are the trifecta of peak zombie games.

  • I am just sad we never got a great AAA open world Zombie game. Some came close to scratching the itch Days gones, State of Decay, Project Zombie etc but non of them managed to get that high quality open world survival aspect. Maybe the scope is too big and complicated but damn it’s one of my video game dreams along with a decent pirate RPG.

  • I remember playing that game over and over again just to get the timing right to save as many as possible. Also to play just grinding through zombs to kill 52000 or whatever we need for that achievement.

  • i really liked DR2OTR, but crapcom made a crappy bugged steam port, you literally can’t save and close the game because it gets corrupted and you have to start over from scratch, a great game ruined by a crappy port, thanks crapcom

  • I don’t remember how long it took me to get the Megaman blaster, but it was worthy. Coincidentally, last night I tried to watch the movie, but it’s so badly acted I couldn’t stand it.

  • I bounced off Dead Rising at first, like many do, but once I realized it was structured unlike any other game I’d played before, *’Oh, you’re* supposed *to restart the game over and over again!’* I had an absolute blast with it. One of my favorite 360 games. DR2 I didn’t like as much as I disliked being tethered to the daughter and having to fetch her Zombrex regularly, but it had most of the elements that made the first great. 3 I couldn’t get into no matter how many times I tried, and I never bothered with 4.

    So I’m not sure if I can “go home again” with this series, based on that experience. It would be great if they could somehow recapture what made the first game so wonderful.

  • Dead Rising was the game I bought an xbox 360 for. I really loved that game, the ambiance of the mall was fantastic. Being limited to 3 days however sucked a bit. the survival mode was alright but the constant losing health and finite recovery items mechanic also meant I enjoyed that less.

    I would have loved a mode that was just ‘unlimited time, Everywhere is open, enjoy yourself until you die or get bored.”

  • This was my first Xbox 360 game and my first hi def game. I had a shit 27″ sansui CRT and ran it through RF. The picture quality was so bad I couldn’t read the small text.

    That’s my memory of this game. Trying to navigate the game only being able to read half the text. Now I bitch when my game can’t run at 60fps on max settings. Times were simpler then…

  • Should they make another or just remaster the original one?

    The small map made the game amazing. Narrow corridors meant your only options were to run or rip through the horde with a bonkers creative method.

  • It was a great arcade-like experience. That design isn’t too mainstream so they got further and further from it with each game which diluted the experience.

    Which isn’t to take the first one was perfect. Pretty clunky and the survivors had God awful AI.

  • I loved the first two games but I think Dead Rising as a franchise started to lose its charm once the story began to feel absurd like a certain character actually turning into a zombie, but not completely(?), and then was able to reverse the zombification process because ????

    Didnt help that you had to BUY the damn true ending that didnt see a release until 2 months later.

    I think the franchise needs a reboot imo. I think it should return to the mall setting but should increase the mall’s size to something like the Mall of America’s size. Modern tech can handle it now

  • Dead rising 4 Frank’s Big package is really fun. And not that old. December 2016 release and you play as frank investing behind the scenes scenes shit that happened in the first game so it fells like the first.

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