Thursday, February 13All That Matters

I might recommend this game. Did the main quest ones


  • I played Fallout 3 and was super disappointed by this one. I really tried to get into it but couldn’t after several hours. I was super in to base building until I realized you could do it all over the map.

  • I remember first trying Fallout 4 during a free weekend and it wasn’t as bad as people said it was. Eventually played it a ton and now it’s my most played Fallout game at 650 hours.

  • One of my favorite games.

    I really enjoyed fallout 3 and this to me was just so much better in terms of graphics, gameplay etc. I am not a huge “I need multiple choices, multiple paths RPG” person so it was totally fine for me but totally got why it was hated.

    I also really enjoyed base building and messing around with mods on PC.

  • The story and quest writing in this game is atrocious and the build mode, at least at launch, was shoddy and unfinished. But I’ll be damned if they didn’t frankenstein that engine of theirs into a damn good shooter. The core gameplay loop of exploring, fighting, and looting felt incredibly satisfying and the weapon crafting system was amazing.

  • I’m glad you had a lot of fun with this game, especially where I really can’t lol. Certainly not a bad game, or something I’d give negative reviews for, just kinda underachieving. Like the difference between this game that took years to make and New Vegas which was literally made in just over a year is staggering to me. I genuinely can’t look at any other Fallout game the way I do with New Vegas man.

  • From my experience, there are 2 type of review from players that has thousands of hours playing.

    – Negatives one:

    They are usually salty because they loves the game so much, they know all the bad sides of it too well. But keep playing anyway despite bitching about this game literally everyday.

    Or they leave the game, cus it has somehow become p2w or worsened over the years and no longer the feels the same as their first honeymoon phase.

    – Postives one:

    “It is alright I guess.” – 1800 hours.

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