I might need to remodel the bathroom around this toilet roll
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I might need to remodel the bathroom around this toilet roll
View Reddit by microbefox – View Source
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Please don’t. It will end up all orange, green or black, and you’ll have halloween or shrooms on summer themed toilets…
must be the pumpkin spice roll
I can’t really explain why, but toilet paper with different colours other than white, makes me uncomfortable 😅
Black on black, on black. Witha, orange roll…
This toilet paper is loved by Dodger fans
Said by a huge Giants fan that wishes I had dodger blue toilet paper to use
Blaze orange for hunting season? Safety first while pooping in the woods!
How did you get trumps declassified papers??
You probably need to buy the company that makes it, it would be sad spending all that money and them changing the color after
ah, just in time for halloween
I know of a good ointment if you develop a rash from that!
Brown and orange were my high school colors.
How many shakes in the doritos bag did this take?
It’s giving Home Depot cleanup in the demo toilet aisle-esque vibes
This is how you end up with an orange asshole.
^(and no I’m not talking about #45)
Where do you buy this and why? I’ve seen white, brown, and black toilet paper but never orange
The Halloween theme!
Give yourself a Nacho Cheese ringpiece
Those are Halloween party streamers. I mean, carry on.