I made this game where the idea is to pilot ships with realistic physics. You can fly on a full scaled planet and beyond…orbital mechanics is supported. There is no limits. It is called FIGHT 0F N0VA.
I made this game where the idea is to pilot ships with realistic physics. You can fly on a full scaled planet and beyond…orbital mechanics is supported. There is no limits. It is called FIGHT 0F N0VA. from gaming
View Reddit by DevLloyd – View Source
Thats real impressive,
Looks like fun. Id play it.
Id play it I loved hellion specifically for the realistic space flight. Dont do like them though and abandon this after you collected alot of moola please finish.
Should be called “Any Landing You Can Walk Away From…”.
Alright. Do I get to dock to spinning station by matching rotation?
Hotas support?
Super awesome. My dream goal is to make an environment like this just with LEGO.
And yet Starfield, a game that hasn’t even released yet, will still have loading screens when entering space….
Looks really nice! I’d call it FLIGHT 0F N0VA though since it doesn’t appear to be a battle game
Come on TARS, come on TARS
Interesting, were you inspired by Kerbal space program?
Hopefully you recommended that funny controller which put out far too many adds to play it.
You made Kerbal Space Program?
It reminds me a lot of Robocraft
Got some interstellar vibes
Imagine this and Rodina combined into one
I’ll stick to Star Citizen, thanks.
That’s a pretty cool concept.
We really need to start having a specific day for self promotion, or a flair.
This entire fucking sub is turning into one big ad.
What are system requirements? Which platforms is it being sold on? I’m always into games with realistic physics engines. I might give it a look.
Kerbal Pilot Simulator?
it’d be a lot easier for people to find your game if when you spammed /r/gaming with it you used O instead of 0 like it is in the steam store. looks pretty neat. glad to see in comments that HOTAS is supported.
So this is QWOP In Spaaaaaaceeeee! 😛
Seriously, it looks great
Soes it work on Linux at least over Proton/Wine?
It looks like red faction meet mass effect
Why play this when we have Starship Eleven using the space racer?
Looks neat, but at least spell the title right. I had to assume you meant “Flight of Nova” and not “Fight of Nova” when I went searching for it.
Long shot, I know but is there any chance it’ll be available for ps4? Looks pretty addictive
This honestly looks about as realistic as GTA V physics
>its called Elite Dangerous
We really need to start having a specific day for self promotion, or a flair.
This entire fucking sub is turning into one big ad.
You say it’s a planet not a moon, so I’m assuming there’s a decent amount of gravity and atmosphere…though that planetary landing would show otherwise.
Not hating on your game but you might want to tweak your flight models if you want to market it was realistic.
Why are all the comments being downvote on mass?
Is this for N64?
I can’t trust the fact that there are realistic physics when OP’s grammar is worse than my 4 year old nephew
When you say orbital mechanics are included, how are you handling the physics? Is it N-body or Sphere-of-Influence?
Why? Star citizen is already way more advanced. But as long as you’re tripping and having fun, that’s all that counts 🙂
Holy shit that looks rad af dude. Please continue to work on it, finish it, then sell it on Steam and we’ll give you our money. I’ll be waiting 👀
Are we talking a true Newtonian physics engine? Honestly the physics in this game don’t look very good. Is there a max speed that you can hit or can you just accelerate forever?
Example: Elite Dangerous is non-newtonian.
How did you program the flight simulation? I’m asking since I’m trying to do that for reasons of realism myself, I was looking at JSBSim but it’s so confusing.
Just play star citizen
Thank you for putting the name of the game in the title!
I’m SO happy this random indie game got posted here or else I would have NEVER heard about it! These kind of space/physics/flying sims are incredibly rare and to see one with so much polish and promise at this stage is genuinely amazing, played the demo and its great so far, looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Not making a dig at your game but isn’t this basically space engineers without the engineering?
Looks neat but getting a little fast and loose with “realistic physics” there
Star Citizen from Wish👀