I made a chart of every possible Pokemon type combination and their corresponding damage multipliers
View Reddit by mrbun314 – View Source
I made a chart of every possible Pokemon type combination and their corresponding damage multipliers
View Reddit by mrbun314 – View Source
Who in their right mind…
Impossible mode: Now add abilities into the mix, like levitate or thick fat
I hope this isn’t loss.
what in the autism
Today’s lesson: some data just doesn’t visualize well.
Dragon attacks can’t damage fairy types? I had no idea.
How long did this take you
This prolly took an extremely long time to make
Holy time to kill
This is epic, but to make it insane you could add Levitate, Sap Sipper, Storm Drain etc for defenders and Freeze Dry, Flying Press, Identifying moves, Scrappy etc. Make it all encompassing.
(Probably just need a Ghost type table for all the type combos and Normal/Fighting column for attacking moves under the effect of a “can hit ghosts” move/ability)
Should I tell OP this already exists?
Why didn’t you put this on r/dataisbeautiful I wonder…
I would run some clustering on it to better visualize any trends that might be there.
Several impossible ones, too, lol!
Normal-Normal types out here getting butchered by those Fighting-Fighting!
But why it’s already been done? It’s like writing out the 14 times table and being like ‘i wrote down the 14 times table’ like why did you do it