I’m a miniature artist, and I like to build miniatures from my youth. I don’t even know if I’m technically allowed to post this here, but I figured this was a forum where people might appreciate this tiny thing.
It’s 1:8 scale, and made out of styrene plastic, and wire.
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But can it play Doom?
How cute is this miniature SNES 😊
Very cool
You cannot fool me, I know you are secretly a giant.
The SSNES (Small Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
Now I can finally play NBA jams and double dragon with my hamster!
If you listen very carefully, you can hear Nintendo’s legal team writing the case and desist order.
Bet gets a letter tomorrow from Nintendo itself 😀
Wow cool! Does it work?
can it run doom?
imagine if there was a tiny one that worked
imagine if there was a tiny one that worked
Nice, what did you make it with?
Nostalgia city!
The real skill is making a functioning CRT and RF adapter. And not loosing the RF
Super Nintendo Palmers.
Does it play in full resolution or does it compress?
I thought it was a cake
Looks awesome! (Personally I always preferred the [Japanese](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ee/Nintendo-Super-Famicom-Set-FL.jpg) and [EU design](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/Wikipedia_SNES_PAL.jpg) of the console, the US version looks so “blocky”, but it did get more games than the EU version IIRC.)
Did this come in a kit or something like? It’s totally amazing. I’ve LOVED miniatures since I was about 8 years old. I started collecting them then. But, to make my own, mind blowing level of happiness!