November 29, 2022 by emmerr1 [ad_1] I had a tough choice to make for the Steam awards [ad_2] View Reddit by emmerr1 – View Source
Wait…the steam awards is allowing years old games to be nominated for game of the year? Or is it that you can nominate literally any game that exists on steam? Think it’s time to give Bad Rats it’s time in the spotlight finally. November 29, 2022 at 3:02 pm Reply
u know what u have to do
Wait…the steam awards is allowing years old games to be nominated for game of the year? Or is it that you can nominate literally any game that exists on steam?
Think it’s time to give Bad Rats it’s time in the spotlight finally.
The hardest choices require the strongest wills.
I’d say the story is going to be gripping in one way or another…
you picked god of war, right?
Fuck, really hard………
I have to choose fur-
How much of a child you have to be to select GOW 🗿
god of war
dog of porn