Friday, March 14All That Matters

I grow bismuth crystals as a hobby


  • So far I have over 1000 hours practice in growing bismuth crystals and the crystals start becoming quite large and beautiful.

    I’m attempting to make better videos and share them on social media. I share information about bismuth on my website and I recently opened a shop.





  • I used to dip copper wire into the bismuth as it was cooling, then making jewellery from it. Not the most resilient as the two metals don’t bind well, but if you want to hang crystals off something then it’s a nice idea. An old girlfriend of mine used to wear a small one as a necklace for a good year or so, until the colour faded.

    Also have you noticed that ‘old’ bismuth that is constantly remelted tends to get darker in colours? For me, it would start off with blue, green, and red, then with age the crystals would eventually start to form with purple and gold.

  • Those are beautiful. I only ever managed to make tiny little crystals, and the colors were usually just yellow. Any hints or tips for getting beautiful purples and blues, or for getting much larger crystals?

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