I got married to my best friend last weekend and I’m still in shock❤️
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I got married to my best friend last weekend and I’m still in shock❤️
View Reddit by umichwolverine – View Source
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Congrats to you and the photographer. Lighting is on point
Everything about this is gorgeous. The tux, the dress, the venue! Congratulations!!!
Marrying your worst enemy would be an ever bigger shock! Congrats!
R/pics tryna get me banned and it won’t happen. 😎
Congratulations op! You two look lovely 😍🥰
That is an amazing venue and great picture.
You’re in shock?
Was it a surprise or something?
Congratulations and wherever you got married looks gorgeous!
Congrats! And yes as others have mentioned that is a really epic venue. I love the aesthetic.
Not gonna lie I thought the background was from elden ring or dark souls
Did you get married in a boss room from Dark Souls? looks epic.
How does your wife feel about you marrying your best friend?
Oh hey, I work there. Neat.
Why? Was it a surprise?
Someone really should have warned you
I’m glad you had a big venue to get married in!
Banger of a venue
What a lovely venue. That suit is sharp as hell, too.
I think if you shouted “Mellon” in elvish those doors would have opened
Cool tux dude
Gd. Shout out the photographer. And whoever chose this location. Tf did you get married in an Aztec temple ong. The lighting goes crazy. Congrats my g. Or my gette.
Go buckeyes! Congrats though.
did you guys beat the boss?
My work productivity will buckle under the weight of my daydreams about a wedding exactly like this
What a stunning couple in a gorgeous venue. Congrats on starting your journey!
Which one are you? 😉
Does your wife know?
Sweet, Pitt or CMU grads? I got marred behind Schenley Park Visitors Center. Be sure to throw a lock on the bridge to the Phipps!!
10/10 location
I hope that you two have a beautiful life together. That through all of lives personal and collective hardships that you can turn to one another and only become stronger. Somethings age like milk, some like fine wine, and if we’re truly lucky and allowed some grace, we can age like Egyptian honey.
I dunno where that is but it looks amazing!
Looks like a fun couple.
Congrats and GO BLUE! 💙💛
🤩 tell us more. Cute couple, amazing venue. You guys are going places.
Congratulations such a lovely picture.
Does your wife know
Congratulations! Beautiful picture 🙂
Venue goes WILD
CONGRATS! Here’s to many happy years together to the both of ya!
Question, did the wedding fly by like a blur or were you able to soak it up and enjoy it?
Gorgeous! What an amazing photo to capture. I’m not sure which one you are, but the look on that man’s face, as well as the bride, says it all. JOY.
Congratulations! I wish you a lifetime of peace and happiness. Much love to both of you.
Congrats to you both. Looks like it was a beautiful wedding.
Obligatory go blue. Congrats!