I followed a complete recipe guide to a perfect burger and this is the outcome vs expectation
View Reddit by jayduhaus – View Source
I followed a complete recipe guide to a perfect burger and this is the outcome vs expectation
View Reddit by jayduhaus – View Source
You didn’t put the divot in the patty before cooking did you?
Next time, don’t sit on the bun while you’re making the burger.
How did it taste, that’s the important thing
I see what you did wrong here. You didn’t hire a professional food photographer.
You failed to shape your patties properly. And looks like you cooked it wrong. For that juicy restaurant bite. Make a divet in the middle while shaping. oversize it a bit. When it comes to cooking it med high heat only flip one and don’t touch it otherwise. Looks like you cooked it to long or on to high and your meat is seized up🫤
A divot huh?
Did hulk smash?
im not going to judge you because cooking is not for everyone but, why are the buns like that
Click bait!
Wrong lettuce, crushed bun, overmelted cheese, wrong onion, wrong cut of onion, overcooked burger. Can’t even see the tomato so who knows what happened to that.
Did you use the bun for a step stool?
cooking also is alot of experience.. the patty if raw needs to be about 1/3 bigger than you want it to be
I think op might be trying to rage-bait us to get some karma TBH. No one mangles a roll like that so badly accidentally, that takes some serious trying (using a butter knife to cut it and then squashing it and poking it for maximum damage). Then using the gross inside bit of the lettuce, instead of the leafy bit to make it even more unappetising (along with the very sloppily cut and placed onion). This gross incompetence is of course going to get more traffic than a burger made in a way that doesn’t look like a lunatic was let loose.
You should give reading a try
onions wrong
sat on the bread
salad bad quallity or picked from wrong place – the green stuff not the white stuff
cheese added too early onto the meat
you have to understand that meat looses size when you grill it . so you have to start your patty bigger than what you want it to be
repeat try again <3
You didn’t follow the recipe
The “expectation” picture is the one on the right?
You suck!
The problem is u used red onion
You ate it?
I mean, did you purposely smash the bun or something? That part looks intentional
Doesn’t look like you tried very hard
The ads always use sculpted ingredients to be literally perfect.
That said, some tips:
1- what the fuck are those buns. I won’t comment any further on them.
2- less molten cheese will retain its shape better.
3- the way the onions were cut for the image. It’s the full circle cut, not quite chopped.
4- add frontal and sideways lighting for presentation.
This should send you 80% of the way there.
This post is stupid and I’m convinced it’s rage bait
I am almost the world’s worst cook and in college I could throw together a burger that looked like the first photo. Layering ingredients is not that hard… Unless you scavenged them all from the compost beforehand then it’d make sense.
lame karma farm
It looks like you just did a shitty job.
This was done on purpose
Post pictures of what your assembled furniture looks like when you ‘follow’ those guides too.
Well that’s just bullshit. The only discrepancy that could happen here is the patties. You go buy the proper bun and fixings, prepare them right, and you can’t go wrong. There’s no cooking involved. But if they are showing a picture with patties containing twice as much meat you might get some discrepancy. But I’m guessing since you failed at something as basic as picking out lettuce and not crushing a bun, you probably screwed up the meat as well.
Brother you made that burger ugly, not the recipe
If you need a recipe to make the burger on the left you need to spend some more time in the kitchen.
I love how people say “I followed a recipe” when what they mean is “I tried to make a burger”.
If you’re too stupid to follow the recipe, then don’t blame the recipe.
Try getting the right ingredients first and then learn how to complain.
I bet he still ate it.