Saturday, March 15All That Matters

I find upgrading your equipment every 5 min very off-putting and distracting from the story line and exploration.


I find upgrading your equipment every 5 min very off-putting and distracting from the story line and exploration.


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  • I had the same issue. I wanted to enjoy the storyline but felt like every 2 minutes I was checking my gear because I’d found a new item. I enjoy customisation, but sometimes it goes too far in my opinion

  • This sort of gameplay is antiquated and needs to be wheeled out of most gaming outside dedicated looters titles. I think developers have this idea of providing constant dopamine hits, but it’s just boring. Rather than being dedicated to providing different playstyles for the player to choose between, instead its all about incremental upgrades and balancing tiny stats. Most games should be about the gameplay, not the loot checking. It’s a big reason I think economy in RPGs need to be seriously reevaluated, in a what you can pick up vs what you buy, quest rewards, and drops.

  • That Assassins creed Odyssey? Don’t worry, it gets MUCH better in Valhalla. They do away with millions of weapons and they have a smaller amount you get that are all really good in their own way.

  • •Map is too big and exploring it feel repetitive af plus all the reused asset make it worse.

    •Story is wasted by bad voice acting, bad animation and the rest of the game wich is way too big.

    •The grind is the worst I’ve seen in a single player game and I’ve seen better in some f2p mmo. All that because of mxt and Ubisoft greed.

    •The mxt… It should be illegal to put that much microtransaction in a single player game, you can feel it presence in all aspect of the game.

    •The game felt like some lazy ass was in charge of optimisation and never been fixed.

    I’m at chapter 7 now and I hope there isn’t too much left because that game feel far too streched and boring. I don’t understand why people praise that game to be one of the best AC… at max, I give it a 5,5/10.

    (Sorry for the ranting)

  • Then there’s me, I usually don’t bother with it until about 5-10 levels after. When the enemies start to feel squishy, swap to something closer to my level. Been consistent with that across all those looter type games.

    Valhalla threw a wrench in the works by not having levels be represented on weapons. The balancing on that game was so far from good, I remember pushing into areas 200 “levels” above me just for good feeling combat.

    AC is a mess.

  • It gives you something new and fresh to play with. I liked it until I decided I wanted to settle on a set of armor and weapons to use.

    I’m level 81 and only upgrade every 5 levels because of how much in resources it costs.

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