I finally won an analog photography contest! This was my entry! I won 10 free roll developments!
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I finally won an analog photography contest! This was my entry! I won 10 free roll developments!
View Reddit by witcharithmetic – View Source
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Congratulations! Also I can see why you won !
Jane from Breaking Bad vibes to me. Great shot.
Circus liquor for the win lol
Fantastic shot.
What makes it analog?
Whoop whoop!
ICP photo contest?
The shot is amazing, but the quality even more so. Zoom in!
People so used to smartphone camera software these days, they don’t even know what a real good photo looks like.
Listen to me ranting like I was born in the last century… wait, I was
The judges were juggalo enthusiasts.
Did you set up the fill lighting or was this stoped way down?
I can taste the Faygo from this pic
People with clown fetish be like:

North Hollywood represent!
Congrats! That is perfect!
Wait – there are still film camera contests? Are you required to do your own development?
really nice.
just joking
GTA V energy
What film? Slide or Color Negative?
Edit: Sorry…banger of a picture.
That’s dope!
She looks like she wouldn’t hesitate to shank you in a heartbeat if you took your eyes off of her for one second.
Congratulations on the win, as well!
This has a “Euphoria” vibe to it.
Insane clown posse FTW again
Nice to see people still into it. A friend was going to dump her deceased dad’s camera and lens collection. I intercepted and gave them to a hobby photographer, and he nearly jumped for joy.
Camel Turkish Royals. I quit smoking almost two years ago now and still that distinct filter pops right out to me. I can almost taste them again. Nice choice.
She do be hot though.
Really great shot in a tricky lighting environment.
Reminds me of when they want to pay artists with “exposure” instead of, I don’t know… money.
Choice of subject: A+ (Love her makeup!)
Your positioning: Fantastic! (Kind of a halo effect.)
Congratulations! Well earned.
Turkish Royals are top tier
it’s a cool pic. You should post it to /r/nocontextpics which is much more of an actual photography sub than /r/pics
I’ve got a bad case of clussy fever
Wow! Congratulations! I’d wager this was shot on cinestil 800 but could you share camera and lens used? As a fellow film enthusiast, this is just too cool!
She’s hot
Your judges were jugalo’s
Great Photo. You are a very talented photographer.
I thought you were wearing a hat for a sec. The way the neon frames your head is really cool.
Getting some strong Pogo vibes off of her. Blink twice if you fell for the handcuff trick, OP.
I hope this doesn’t awaken some weird fetish in me
This is so nostalgic. Reminds me of 90s cholo stickers I’d see at the fruterias.
I do c-c-c-cocaine!
RIP your inbox, especially from the Joker weirdos
She looks fun
The pearls are a nice touch,
Where does one get film developed.
I got some 25 year old film to develop.