This was an incredibly fun project that refreshed my math knowledge and challenged my fusion360 skills.
You can print and assemble these connecting pieces yourself and comes in 3 different sizes. You can print the numbers using filament swaps like I did here, or you can print the digits and number base files separately. Both file types are provided!
The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Weighted Companion Cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak. If your Weighted Companion Cube, please disregard its advice.
“Oh? Did I accidentally fizzle that before you could complete the test? I’m sorry. Go ahead and print another one.” – [GladOS](
The files and assembly instructions are here:
This was an incredibly fun project that refreshed my math knowledge and challenged my fusion360 skills.
You can print and assemble these connecting pieces yourself and comes in 3 different sizes. You can print the numbers using filament swaps like I did here, or you can print the digits and number base files separately. Both file types are provided!
I love that!
This is a Triumph.
I’m making a note here.. huge success.
Looks fantastic. If it weren’t for the little striations I’d think this was injection molded.
No you didn’t, you designed a Companion Icosahedron that people can now 3D print.
A new hand touches the beacon
Needs more testing
Is that how it stands normally? How do you know what you rolled?
Is… Is it single?
Does it speak?
Companion icosahedron is life
The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Weighted Companion Cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak. If your Weighted Companion Cube, please disregard its advice.
I like it!
“Oh? Did I accidentally fizzle that before you could complete the test? I’m sorry. Go ahead and print another one.” – [GladOS](
Is there a dead body inside?
Absolutely beautiful
Please tell me this is not a lie.
Companion “Cube”
Goddamnit, gotta setup my 3d printer again, that’s been sitting in deep storage since we moved. I love it, good job!
Well, I guess I *will* be buying pink filament at some point 🤷😅. This is dope 🤘🔥
Companion icosahedron.
GM: Roll for luck!
P1: Twenty!
GM: …Roll for luck
P1: Twenty…
GM: Rollforluck-
P1: Twen- T… wait-
Can I request a D12 companion cube?
Looks cool! Any plans on making a full set of companion dice?
Companion Dodecahedron
I hope somebody plays D&D with this.
“Roll for initiative.” *Dents table*
Trans d20
Companion icosahedron.
damn, time to get a 3d printer
Companion Icosahedron from Aperture Science
You euthanized your faithful Companion Cube more quickly than any test subject on record. Congratulations.
Companihedron ?