I created these oil paintings as part of my “Minimal Skies” series.
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I created these oil paintings as part of my “Minimal Skies” series.
View Reddit by XiaoWenXuArt – View Source
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These blatant art ads are getting old.
Looks like a collection of the first two minutes of some Bob Ross episodes.
I dont understand art, like what is this
These are the first 45 seconds of every Bob Ross painting
‘Art’ really is subjective I guess
I love Rothko so these are right up my alley. Beautiful.
Nope, sry but basic gradients are not art.
The Gradient Tool in Photoshop is going to blow your mind…
Minimal has been achieved.
They look cool, but not internet worthy imo. You guys wouldn’t want to see my drawings, TRUST ME
That’s low effort.
Ok but matching the dress was fantastic, Nice.
I created these oil paintings as part of my “Minimal Effort” series. (and try to cater to simps by adding a women in the pic)…
trying not be a dick and giving some honest feedback but they are just boring – they are just gradients.
not minimalistic, they are just gradients.
When is the maximal skies set coming?
Back in the day these were the sickest back drops for any powerpoint
I dunno man…
But hey, if you makin this work, thas great!
best of luck to you
Definitely minimal
So much hostility here, it’s not like she hasn’t done landscape portraits. If you look on her website she has a variety of paintings, not just gradients.
And even if she had only done gradients ,and they aren’t your preference you don’t need to complain so viscerally about it. For what it’s worth, I like them. I think they’re calming.
She’s donating all the profits of painting sales for the next six months to local charities
this looks my art portfolio i used to bullshit my way though art class
Meets my minimum interest.
From other comments I can see your real art is amazingly good- but this just isn’t it.
As a critic, I feel like I can make the exact paintings in the picture in the course of a day.
If someone can duct tape a banana to the wall and call it art and sell it for $120,000 then this more than qualifies as art.
No offense but this looks like something a child could do
That is certainly minimal
I think these are terrible. Honest opinion.
This is literally all I wish I could do
TIL: I can be an artist.
My brain auto filled effort instead of reading skies
Okay I’m out of the loop. I’m an artist and I use pre stretched canvas. I don’t know how to do any of that stuff. What’s wrong with the pre stretch you get from the craft store? Am I a bad artist?
I don’t know if it was intentional – but I love how your dress is a gradient as well! 💚 Lovely work!
Very Rothko-esque
I really like these!
Nice backgrounds. Now you can actually paint something over too lol
Who the fuck upvotes this shit
Bob Ross paintings before he adds all the stuff. Nice mix of colors and shapes.
Aka, the first step of every Bob Ross video.
The gradients dreams are made of
How tf did this get all these upvotes? No one seems to enjoy them in the comments
I saw people sell farts in a jar and with success. If people are willing to pay 400 dollars or more for something like this, then more power to you.
And to be honest I seen similar “art” which is being sold for way more.
These are just gradients… not even well blended. This is why people don’t take art seriously anymore.