I, Claudius Has Better Directing Than Anything Today [How Jack Pulmans camerawork and creative blocking elevated a seemingly stagy production into an extraordinary example of effective cinematic staging] – Moviewise
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One of the best things I’ve ever seen on tv. There was a 1937 film version that never got finished, which had Charles Laughton as Claudius, truly a shame it never saw the light of day.
YouTube vid narrated by Borat’s older brother
God damn its easy to forget how good an actor Brian Blessed actually is. I need to rewatch this stat.
I ocassionally walk into rooms and shout “WE ARE IMMORTAL GODS!”.
I remember my mother and brother watching this and being excited about it and I was yuck, this stuff is nasty??,!!
Love Moviewise!
The books are amazing. I Claudius and Claudius the God.
Herod Agrippa to Claudius : “Trust no one, no one”
Fucking love i, claudius.
I always get I, Claudius and Caligula confused in my mind.
I rewatch it every year. It’s as good as tv gets. Compelling storytelling undhindered by minimalistic sets. Caedfael with Jacobi in the lead is quite good too.
This series was an absolute masterpiece. Sparked a life long fascination with ancient Roman history
Livia is such an awesome and terrifying character.
This guys videos are incredible but his viewership is so low.
Sian Phillips as Livia was amazing.
We watched this in a Roman History class in university. Really brings the politics and backstabbing to life.
it’s on my perennial rotation among TTSS, Smiley’s People, Edge of Darkness, Brideshead Revisited and The Day Today. Basically the best English television made in the last 40 years