I believe the year was 1984, it was my 7th birthday. Was in a school fashion show and so happy to get to keep the clothes, because I only got new outfits at Easter, Christmas or special occasions.
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You got a birthday bear cake.
That boombox is dope AF
I hope she was ‘randomly’ chosen to br on the show and deserving of keeping the outfits…wasn’t charity to be ashamed of but a perk, to be proud of!
I was 7 in 84 . It was a good year if I remember right.
I hope that boom box was blasting happy birthday for you
Was that a Care Bear?
Great memory
A special day indeed. Reading your description of that day/moment, makes that abundantly clear.
Good memories are the best.
So nobody is going to talk about the fire?
Growing up we got new clothes at the regaining of each school year, had no idea kids in the 80’s faced the same issues.
I like the hair!
I had that radio!!! Not a stereo cause only one speaker. Oh and I was also 7 in ‘84.
There’s a part 2 from that night in a different post if you’re interested 💜
8 candles and one is white? 8th birthday maybe?