I beat my first boss in Elden Ring! It was that cat thing with the sword, with the tail in flames. (i didn’t pay attention to the name)
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I beat my first boss in Elden Ring! It was that cat thing with the sword, with the tail in flames. (i didn’t pay attention to the name)
View Reddit by kaanskBG – View Source
Sir Burny Mcstabcat
Congrats 👏👏 i would suggest not read all comments as some people will post spoilers
Good job. Just remember if you are struggling on a boss, just go explore. Get stronger, find some interesting things to look at and fight.
The watchdog is always fun in my opinion since his movements are so clanky you have to be really predictive and I like that
Behold, victory!
That miniboss is creepy as hell
Also did you fight the Soldier of Godrick miniboss at the start of the game? If not, you missed the tutorial
Great job Killin the watchdog!
Dog. He is a cat, but his name is dog.
A buddy of mine did this in DnD where he had a pet bear cub named “Dog.”
Congrats to your first boss and now be prepared for a lot more (cool) bossfights. Some may be hard, some may be easy but never get too greedy with your hits on them.
Good luck playing! 😀
Congrats! We all start somewhere.
I fought Gundyr from DS3 for two hours the first time I played a FromSoft game.
Fort, night?
Wait till you have to kill the harder version with his minions later down the road
Ahh, you beat the SCP boss
Something something burial watchdog. My first boss too. Congratulations!
How did you beat that as first boss. The cat statue with like 4 fast attack minions. I lost a lot of souls trying to beat that guy and never did.
Good work. This was my first boss, but I came back after beating the Grave Warden Dualist.
My first boss by choice was the tree warden… He ploughed me harder than the Amish would sanction and stayed on the horse doing it…so I rolled up an astrologer and avoided the warden
Take your time with the game. There is so much to explore
Congrats. Now get ready for >!That boss again, but with minions!< and >!That boss again, but blueberry flavored!< and my personal favorite >!That boss again, but also the blueberry version!< and those are just the ones I’ve found so far.
I want a model of it, i need it
Congratulations, you’re well on your way to getting ass blasted by the rest of the game. Good luck.
Good on ya, Lad! Don’t stop now! Make us proud!
Well done. Now fight TWO of them at the same time!
Elden stranding
Try finger but, hole!
Straight troll move that they give the first character on character select (the character most beginners will select) immediate fat roll. Like they force the player to learn to take off armor in order to be able to dodge effectively or they’re just stuck like that rest of the game lmao
the rest is all easy and downhill from here! good luck!
Congrats, this is my first souls game and I’m going for a bow build (yikes I know).. think I’ll try to kill the cat tonight as I wimped out last night
No, I think you nailed the name
Hmm, my first boss was a dog faced dude with a klingon weapon.
Concrats you badass!! Super happy for you! And I’ve got the best tip you will ever get in souls games. Use your weapon two handed. Always. Hold Y and press LB+RB.
Too busy rolling for your life to catch the name. I can respect that.
I killed him only with the help of wondering nobles.
They kept him distracted while I could focus on damage.
Not an easy boss to fight for the first time tho.
You know when I fought that boss I was thinking hey this fight is easy. Then later on I found a catacomb that had 2 of them as the boss…that fight was nipple-rippingly frustrating.
First off, well done
Honestly the dungeon was such a fucking pain in the ass. Those little goblin bitches are annoying as fuck throughout the game.
The watchdogs kinda creep me out, mainly due to the fact that they walk like they’re not fully animated