I asked a local business if I could use their bathroom, spotted this in there
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I asked a local business if I could use their bathroom, spotted this in there
View Reddit by The_Undermind – View Source
Guy who oddly clocks out every time before using the restroom.
Seems kinda sexist. So you’re saying women can still flick it without punching their ticket?
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime – that’s why I nut on company time.
This company doesn’t screw around.
Work always takes the fun out of life
Literally 1984
Looks like one of them “Obvious plant” things.
When ya gotta go, ya gotta go.
“See, because of me they have a warning.”
This sign had to be printed out and posted for a reason…
Ah, the benefits of working from home.
I get paid to masturbate almost daily!
The fact they actually thought about the fact the employees do that makes me think they caught em doing it 💀💀💀
I have my own window office with window blinds and a door that locks
don’t tell me what to do.
Don’t tell me how to spend my mandated 15 minute break!
They sure aren’t jerking around.
so does that business get a lot of pretty women to the point where employees can’t wait to get home to do that??
How dare they assume the size of a man’s wang!
The cock looks big compared to the body size, but small compared to the hand size.
I needed this for work. I work in research and do a method of protein separations that then go to a mass spectrometer for identification. I was working for a biotech company years ago. I think I had run some samples from some cancer cells. I got my IDs back from the mass spec guy and had several proteins ID’d as from human sperm. Those proteins should NOT have been in my samples lol a few weeks later I heard IT had to lock down the mass spec guy’s computer because he’d been watching porn on it during work hours lol one guess where those sperm proteins came from in my IDs lol
OP is at a sex shop and doesn’t wanna admit it
How did HR allow this kind of signage, like isn’t that sexual harassment?
I got let go from my last job after being tasked with putting these signs up all over. I asked a group if they could give me a hand and they took it the wrong way.
I heard one time that if you masterbate on company time you were getting paid for sex so technically you are a prostitute
I have no issues with sex work.
This is so fucking funny
Is this why employers want us back in the office? They know we’re all at home beating our meat while on the clock?
What is the name of that local company. Asking for my unemployed friend who like slap a monkey everywhere.
As a professional self-lover: how else am I supposed to get an incum?
It’s only fair. I just need someone else to do it for me so it counts as team building.
Behind every sign is a funny story
Boss makes a dollar, I make a nickel, that’s why I jizz all over this bizzle.
What the ladies’ room says?
[I became a member of this team, not because of the pay, not because of the pension, but frankly the wanking!](https://youtu.be/VKH9ECC_Qa4?si=OGL-qOzWtqMxbVds)
Well everyone…
Workplace Wanking sketch from the comedy show Big Train- one of Simon Peggy’s earlier works of comedy genius.