Thursday, October 10All That Matters

I am such a knob for storing this here.

I am such a knob for storing this here.

I am such a knob for storing this here.

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  • barbrady123

    When I was a kid my mom was obsessed with reminding me to always check in the inside of an oven when first turning it on. It’s saved me a few times 🙂

  • ExZowieAgent

    And this is why I always, always, open the oven and look before I turn it on. Maybe someone put money there or were storing their baby there. You just never know.

  • ElectricBlueSky90

    I always warn my brothers about doing this and also leaving anything flammable on the stovetop. If something is avoidable, why risk it. It’s easier to be safe than to clean up the aftermath.

  • BarrTheFather

    My son left a big plastic cutting board he had stashed in there the night before on before he preheated for a pizza. It even had a spoon stuck in the melted plastic. Took forever to clean out.

  • ObsoleteReference

    I had a recipe recently that not only wanted preheat, but wanted the racks at a certain position. That was an amazing direction, because it made me look in the oven!

  • Imprettysaxy

    I’m confused. You store just the lid of the Tupperware in the oven? Why not store the lid with wherever you have the actual container stored? Were you prepping food in it and pulled the container out of the oven, but not the lid? If not, where’s the container?

  • Alexandratta

    My buddy was over at my house… He helped put away some things in my kitchen.

    I go to start cooking, preheat oven.

    Smell something burning.

    figure it’s just burning off some grime.

    Open it up to see that, for some insane reason, there’s Tupperware in the oven.

    “…WHAT THE HELL?!” I turn off the oven, and try to get the plastic off the over rails.

    friend: “Why didn’t you check the oven before turning it on?!”

    Me: “Who puts anything plastic in the oven, ever?! WHY?!”

    Friend: “You don’t use the oven to store stuff when it’s not on?”

    Me: “…NO! NO ONE DOES THAT!”

    Friend: “I do o.o;”

    Me: “Why don’t you use the drawer under the oven!?”

    Friend: “…The… What?”

    Me: *pulls out the drawer under the oven.*


    Me: “YES!”

  • LindeeHilltop

    Lol. Sympathy here. My mom placed a ginormous bin filled with a/p flour on a burner while baking. The heat from the oven caused the bottom to melt on the burner and she didn’t notice. When she went to pick it — whoosh — a billow of flour everywhere in the kitchen. It was a full container. Still chuckle over the memory. She was such a “Lucille Ball,” she could have dyed her head red. Lol.

  • nethobo

    I had a roommate that wanted to store stuff in the oven. Took me chucking a Tupperware at her when she was on her computer to make it stop. I use the oven frequently, daily sometimes, it’s not a fucking storage area. It’s an oven.

    I understand if the oven is not heavily used I guess. It just seems really weird to me to store anything inside a cooking device.

  • MavisBeaconSexTape

    Oh man one time I got home from night shift and was so tired, I grabbed what I thought was a bread pan for making a loaf and cooked some Texas toast on it. My normal pans were dirty so I figured that would work, but it was actually a plastic and rubber tray for organizing drawers. Looked just like this afterward but with more Texas toast involved

  • ThingCalledLight

    Red Pyrex casserole lid, right?

    Did the exact same thing, my friend.

    At least yours didn’t set off the smoke alarm and cause the entire apartment building to evacuate and the fire department to show up.

    I walked directly up to them and said, “It was me. The fire is out now, but I can show you if you want.”

    They said, “Thank you so much for telling us immediately. Half the time when something like this happens, people are embarrassed and don’t say anything, and then it takes us 30 minutes of knocking and asking.”

    It was a wild night.

  • hiopilot

    I lived on Gummy Worms as a kid. My grandmother would buy one of those 5lb bags at Costco. Wish those would come back!

    One summer I knew they were in the house. When she was gone, I searched EVERYWHERE. I mean I climbed into kitchen cabinets to search the back corners.

    A few days later it was time that she was going to bake something.
    Turns out it was not quite what she intended to bake as 5lbs of gummy worms were melting, burning, and catching fire in the oven during pre-heat.

    It looked a lot like this pic!

  • EggInThisTryingThyme

    I melted two plastic place mats completely when I lived in a small place and needed to dry them after rinsing. Had to scrape the melted plastic off the bottom of the oven. It’s okay I’m here to tell you you’ll get through this

  • JaimeRidingHonour

    I had roommates that used to hide their dirty dishes in the oven every now and then and then get mad at me because I didn’t “pre check” the oven before “pre heating” it. Fuckin’ donkeys

  • GMbzzz

    I did something similar with a birthday cake. I was trying to hide it from fruit flies. It was covered in plastic wrap and the plastic just melted off:/

  • Kasspa

    Let it cool and harden completely before trying to get it off and it should come up fairly easy. You’ll just have to break the plastic in some places.

  • 08675309

    Breaking generational norms by NOT USING THE OVEN AS STORAGE! my mom visited once, and I almost burnt my house down. She did the dishes & somehow everything wound up in the oven

  • showraniy

    I genuinely don’t understand where storing things in the oven comes from as a cultural practice. I’m not passing judgement; I just genuinely mean I’d like to know where this came from because I find it fascinating. The first time I heard of people doing this was someone talking about guns accidentally going off when preheating ovens, but that was conversational and I understood it to be an unconventional hiding place to avoid theft more than an intentional storage solution.

    As I’ve grown up, I’ve met several people who legitimately just store various pots and pans in their ovens though, and I’ve always found that interesting.

  • cthulhubert

    The fool never learns.

    The clever learn from mistakes.

    The wise learn from other peoples’ mistakes.

    I hope you’re clever OP, and thanks for helping others be wise.

  • jvin248

    It’s surprising to me so few people ever check inside the oven. It’s a big appliance and needs to be checked before firing it up as a general operational safety precaution. … Check the mirrors before backing the car out of the garage, verify nothing is on the table-saw, nothing around the lawn mower with engaging the blades. Simple common stuff.

    If you use several pieces of cast iron cookware, often the best storage is in the oven so you have minimal travel distance to the stovetop.

    In a cramped kitchen that large cavernous oven becomes appealing for many.

    Just look before turning it on.


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