I absolutely loved this game. It was gorgeous and unique. Who else has played it, and what did you think?
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I absolutely loved this game. It was gorgeous and unique. Who else has played it, and what did you think?
View Reddit by KillWh1tn3yDead – View Source
I loved it too! I’m excited for the second one to be released. I tend to uninstall games I don’t play a lot, but this one has never once been uninstalled. Such a deep and beautiful game.
I’m diagnosed schizophrenic and the game fucked with me so much I had to stop playing after about an hour or so. They did research, they did interviews, they took their time with this game (my wife had to do some digging on it) but they did a fantastic job on the game. I’ll finish it some day, I haven’t played it since it released. Lol.
I played it up to the first boss. It thought it was pretty neash in terms of a game but a masterpiece in terms of art. It’s one of those games that’s meant to be experienced, not played if that makes any sense.
I played it after hearing all the hype and thought it was mediocre and repetitive. Really don’t get why everyone loves it so much. It wasn’t terrible at all, but I don’t think it’s the masterpiece everyone makes it out to be
I thought it was pretty. And very boring.
Man I was playing like I was walking on eggshells…I don’t want to spoil anything…if u know u know
It is more an experience than a game, as the gameplay is fairly basic. However, in terms of story and graphics, it is one of the best games I have played.
I bought a Series X two years just for part two. It’s all dusty
Ready for the sequel!!! The trailer for it is awesome.
Conceptually incredible. The story as well was told in a super unique way for this type of media. It’s really refreshing to see games like this one popping up every now and again.
I know a lot of people who played it didn’t enjoy the combat. I thought the combat was a really good start, and anticipated unlocking new abilities, combos, etc. throughout the game. Not having any meaningful combat changes like this throughout the game would be the only thing I would really say they dropped the ball on. Although the combat wasn’t meant to be the focus.
I absolutely loved it. A friend of mine recommended it, and I was surprised I had never heard of it. I love games with immersive worlds and good storytelling and had no problem at all with that being the priority here. The immersion is top notch, I loved the puzzles, loved the bosses. Even the combat, though repetitive, scaled well to maintain a challenge. I didn’t find this game boring at all, but I did have to pace myself because it was so intense
It was rly rly bland and boring. 7h to get 100% oh and it was kinda boring forgot about this one
It gave me eternal darkness vibes. Every now and then a game comes along that psychologically trips you out.
Top notch
i was a bit bored and it was too easy
it was a walking simulator with really poor and janky combat.
looked great on PC though. but yeah, no depth to the game. you just walk to posts and look at them then fight baddies every once in a while with really bad controls.
it’s only getting hyped more because anything xbox shows is for some reason going to be the ‘next big thing’ in gaming…
I honestly think it had a great potential that was wasted because of the way it told the story. Each piece of the story was really impressive on its own both narratively and visually. However, during the game it jumps from event 5 to event 9 and then back to event 2 in a totally arbitrary, non-chronological order. That makes it really difficult to follow and understand the connections between the events especially since it already is a very confusing and abstract setting.
Most of the time I found myself lost, and it only made sense after I spent some time in story explanation videos in Youtube. It might be my personal preference though, since I also hate the storytelling style of games like Dark Souls and Hollow Knight for the same exact reason. Just give me a good and a deep story, not a randomly shuffled puzzle with no corner pieces.
Gameplay was too bland imo. Cool environment though. Going to retry when I’m in the right mood for it.
Great atmosphere, cool story, ultimately held back by the repetitive and boring puzzles.
amazing game and as a person with schizophrenia i related to the character quite heavily.
I played it, I thought it was ok, nothing amazing. Just my opinion.
i loved this and replay it once a year.
the story really touched me, and that rarely happens with games, the puzzles were soso but the combat i kinda liked.
Awful and unnecessary combat system probably added to extend gameplay lenght. Bad puzzles. Story is kinda meh for me. I dropped after 5hrs.
Yep one of my favorites and can’t w8 for part 2
Honestly forget about this game and I never played it only due to the insane amount of backlog I have. Is it good?
I played it through last year. And when I say I played it through, I mean in one go. By the time I finished it, I felt a similar sense of “accomplishment” as senua. It was a gorgeous representation of mental and personal struggle in it’s varying degrees, the forefront of course being psychosis, I was utterly immersed. It blends the concept of early human perspective (gods and myths) with mental affliction as well as it did the combat and presentation. 10 out of fucking 10. It’s not just a game, it’s a journey of self discovery.
I really really liked it. The gameplay, the mythology, and the sound, man the sound. Currently playing it again in VR. Insane!