Thursday, March 20All That Matters

How we can finally win the fight against aging | Aubrey De Grey


  • Wow. What a rabbit hole I’ve been down for the last hour. So, if you google this guy and read his wiki, what sticks out the most is the accusations of sexual harassment, and being ousted from the foundation he founded. So, being such a salacious storyline for science-dorks, I had to know more. Here’s a quick chronological summary of events that I discerned from several sources. Dr. de Grey’s tweets and FB posts, posts by the SENS foundation itself, and executive summaries from the _2_ independent investigations.

    There was claims of sexual harassment. The SENS foundation launched an investigation by an independent entity. The SENS foundation has been real good about being transparent about all of this, even [posting the summary](

    As the investigation was closing, a 2nd investigation was starting. De Grey basically emailed someone saying something to the affect of ‘2nd investigation is going to find who at SRF has been prodding these allegations, and basically calling for one of the women who complained to name who put her up to it. He would say he was trying to look after the woman’s career, to suggest she would come off looking just gullible instead of villainous if she stayed silent. He also claims that someone he trusted basically said ‘investigation is practically over, its ok to talk about it now’, even if it wasn’t officially closed. The investigators saw it as tampering with the investigation. The board voted to remove him.

    SENS again, great about transparency, still has posted that [2nd investigations summary]( That investigation concluded with:

    >In the end, after extensive review – and except as otherwise identified by the Firm in this
    Executive Summary in paragraphs one through seven, as well as in the separate Executive Summary dated September 10, 2021 concerning the Initial Investigation – we do not find evidence Dr. de Grey engaged in conduct that constituted unwelcome sexual conduct towards current or former SRF employees, or any person associated with SRF, since the founding of SRF. Similarly, through our extensive email search and witness interviews, we did not identify any evidence that Dr. de Grey used his position at SRF to form romantic and/or sexual relationships with underage females associated with SRF – again, with the one exception detailed in the public Executive Summary dated September 10, 2021.

    So basically there was an ongoing investigation, concluding that _maybe_ there was indeed some inappropriateness but there was definitely interference by the subject. De Grey was removed from the foundation. Then there was a 2nd investigation exonerating him, except for his interference in the first investigation. But he remains terminated from the foundation.

    Edit: Also, if you read the specifics of the allegations, they are _pretty mild_. And the 2nd one comes down to he said / she said, with no witnesses able to say they remember hearing him say the offensive thing. It’s all a very far cry from Louie CK type shenanigans.

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