Was rewatching Parasyte: The Maxim. Reminds me of the scene when Shinichi is confronted by the pyschic that tells him he just needs to speak with the person the left the “hole” in his heart.
He just says, “I’ve already killed her.” Makes you feel really hopeless..
This therapist is on to something – Doomguy should be confronting his demons – specifically, he should be confronting his feelings of loss. For Romero’s sake, the man lost his [best friend](https://doom.fandom.com/wiki/Daisy) to the denizens of Hell – he needs to deal with that loss, now that he’s saved Earth and beyond from the demons. Even god-like men with energy swords and shotguns need to grieve at some point for their loved ones.
People ask me, *Why did you Allow dismemberment on Roblox?* And I say *I didn’t allow Roblox to be even bloody or gory* the great example of this is RooM.
I feel like the punchline shouldn’t be in the post title.
NGL I was expecting Ash. Wait, is Ash the space marine in Doom?
this could be done in 1 panel
I hope the Doomguy shows up by the fourth panel!
By the third picture I thought it was going to be Ash.
I enjoyed this but I think a WH40K Space Marine might be a better choice for the punchline panel.
Wait, why does Doomguy need therapy in the first place?
Parenting class going well, I take it?
At first I thought it was Masterchief. Forgive me.
“I see… and how did that make you feel?”
Brevity is the soul of wit.
[All fun until you hear the demon sounds somewhere around a corner.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el72n7U4Pos)
“See, doesn’t it feel better to let that out?”
“Their innards? Yes, yes it does.”
Imagine if doomguy exsisted which country would he be allied with?
I read this in Goblin Slayer’s voice from Goblin Slayer Abridged haha. Gotta kill all those filthy GAAAAWBLINS!!!
Rip and tear until it is done.
But how did it make you FEEELLL?
Still didn’t bring back his pet rabbit.
Guts approves
Was rewatching Parasyte: The Maxim. Reminds me of the scene when Shinichi is confronted by the pyschic that tells him he just needs to speak with the person the left the “hole” in his heart.
He just says, “I’ve already killed her.” Makes you feel really hopeless..
This therapist is on to something – Doomguy should be confronting his demons – specifically, he should be confronting his feelings of loss. For Romero’s sake, the man lost his [best friend](https://doom.fandom.com/wiki/Daisy) to the denizens of Hell – he needs to deal with that loss, now that he’s saved Earth and beyond from the demons. Even god-like men with energy swords and shotguns need to grieve at some point for their loved ones.
Ash vs evil dead?
“Those were someone else’s demons”
“It matters?”
Someone needs to make a Will slapping Rock one 😂
100% thought this was going to be about Ash from The Evil Dead lol
I don’t think he talked about those demons…
And I did it on a pregnancy test
Discovered Brutal Doom and Brutal Heretic about a month ago.
It’s like I’m 14 all over again.
hell, you could chop off the 4th panel and the joke would still be recognizable.
I thought he was gonna say with an bolter and a chainsword but this works too
He confronted his, his parents, his neighbors, his coworkers, the deli worker at the super market and his pet bunnies demons as well at this point.
What’s wrong with that? In Hinduism they have gods and goddesses ripping demons apart. That’s meant to represent your inner demons also. Ya know?
Whatever. Bro.
And stuff.
DOOM is coming to Oculus Quest. Can’t wait.
When Mario decided to become a psychologist
Unexpected and wholesome. Perfect.
Rip and tear until it is done.
People ask me, *Why did you Allow dismemberment on Roblox?* And I say *I didn’t allow Roblox to be even bloody or gory* the great example of this is RooM.
Rip and tear
This really goes beyond my training as a furniture salesman, sir.