Wednesday, March 5All That Matters

How suburban zoning rules are stifling development and causing rents to spike


  • Seems like out of control real estate is death by a thousand cuts. Zoning laws, nimby neighbors, Airbnb and other corporate interests buying up every house in sight to control the market, property taxes, tax code for multiple residences,

  • Forced suburbia is what is leaching municipal budgets. If we insist on that lifestyle we need a serious reality check with massive property tax increases.

    Or don’t build suburban/car-dependant communities.

  • Nimby’s are the worst. But also that business owner near the end. She is making the case for more housing because her employees can’t afford housing. So much so that she’s considering building apartments on top of her factory for her employees to rent.

    Have you considered paying your employees more? Employers refusing to raise pay even when the market demands it, like it is in that town, are just as bad as people refusing to let affordable housing be built.

  • The problem with US housing isnt lack of invetory or affordable housing or zoning laws. The problem is corporations buying up properties for profit while U.S. wages have remained stagnant since 1980.

    Tired of this affordable housing bullshit. Just pay people so they can afford a normal home. That was a thing once, they called it the American dream. Tax corporations more. Stop voting republican. End the madness.


    That’s the guy responsible for the suburbs in the US and Canada.

    I don’t like the suburbs but I don’t hate them completely either. They’re generally fairly safe and quiet communities. They’re also really boring though but that’s not always bad.

    Never trust developers. Their primary goal is to make as much money as possible. If you want good cities and communities, you need a lot of public involvement to keep developers and city officials to their word.

    The suburbs stopped being ‘exclusive’ decades ago. Gated communities are way more elitist and full of douchebag NIMBYs nowadays. They suck. Anywhere that has an HOA kind of blows.

    I live in a fantastic community. It’s lower middle class mixed density close to public transit and tons of bike trails, restaurants, shopping, etc. My community was built before developers started pandering to exclusive buyers so there’s no pretentiousness or classism.

    The only thing i’d change is to allow mixed commercial/residential so you can have apartments on tops of stores which would increase density somewhat without being overwhelming.

    Not like this lady in the video trying to cash in by renting apartments to her workers which is probably what she’d do.

  • If we did change zoning rules, next thing will see is big developers wanting eminent domain type rule that allows private company to force single family home owners to sell their homes.

    Let’s all be in apartments or multi family units stuck paying rent rest of our lives. It will be great, will all own nothing and be happy.

  • Whatever. Cities are cancer. After two years living in the suburbs, where my car doesn’t get broken into, there’s no crazies shouting at all hours of the night, people aren’t getting sexually assaulted and mugged in my $4300/month west LA apartment complex, and the weirdo to normal ratio is much more agreeable – I will NEVER go back to a city.

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