Thursday, February 13All That Matters

How I feel browsing this sub sometimes.


  • I used to be with it, but then they changed what “it” was. Now what I’m with isn’t “it”, and what’s “it” seems weird and scary to me.

    It’ll happen to you.

  • Really, looking at this makes me think about Javik’s character arc in Mass Effect 3, provided that you purchase and download him from the “From Ashes” DLC. Like, he was the sole surviving prothean who got thrown fifty-thousand years into the future, in a brand new, unrecognizable Milky Way Galaxy, working under Commander Shepard’s Normandy crew as one of its two biotic specialists, the other being Liara T’Soni. And throughout ME3, he was constantly torn between his older, previous era and the brand new era that he was trapped in from here on out.

    Especially during the climax of the game, when he thought about touching the echo shard, an artifact of his people that passes down memories to future generations, a la the beacon from Eden Prime. At which point, you’re given an option: Either let Javik touch the echo shard and experience all of the good memories again, as well as the bad, including the horrors of the previous Reaper War; or prevent him from touching it altogether, so that he could stay in the present where he belonged from here on out. And your choice determines whether Javik rejoins the rest of his species while passing the torch on to Shepard’s current cycle, or just stay in the present and start a new life, when he could write a book with Liara about his previous cycle.

  • My dad and his brother are huge into computers so by the time I was 3 or 4, I had my own hand me down computer with a 486 in it. Things like Doom, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem before he became 3D and all those DOS games were what I played all the time. Quake, Unreal and those came along in the mid-90s and we had to get our first graphics card with all of 8mb of ram.

    It’s hard being 31 and the games you played as a kid are called “Boomer Shooters”

  • I watched Free Guy last night and somebody refers to Fantasy being a ‘classic’ Mariah Carey track, and I was all pff stuff from the 90s is considered classic now??? Then I realised that the people in their twenties were only *born* in the 90s and I was like NOPE

  • I played Mario Brothers, not super Mario Bros, but Mario Brothers on an arcade machine in a pizza chain that doesn’t exist anymore. It was new at the time. Proud to be OG gamer. Hope I don’t develop crippling arthritis.

  • The time difference between Mario galaxy and now is the same as mario galaxy and super mario kart

    Edit: since this blew up here’s another one. The time difference between Donkey Kong releasing and now is the same as Donkey Kong releasing and the fall of France/Dunkirk in WW2.

  • still cant believe Fallout 4 came out 7 years ago, Battlefield 4 was 9 years ago and Starcraft 2 was 11 years ago, i remembered vividly waiting for those game to release my whole life

  • Yep.

    When people speak of growing up with the ps3…

    Just wuuuut?

    I guess that being the end of the old classic generational cycle and lasting for 10 years serves to warp time.

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