How did they do it in 1957 “She Devil”?
How did they do it in 1957 “She Devil”?
byu/mesaelechteIe inOldSchoolCool
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How did they do it in 1957 “She Devil”?
How did they do it in 1957 “She Devil”?
byu/mesaelechteIe inOldSchoolCool
View Reddit by mesaelechteIe – View Source
it’s an old camera trick. her hair is dyed a certain color and there are two sets of lights with filters. when she’s standing in front of the mirror, one set of lights are turned on (to show the new color) while the others are turned off. usually this is done with face makeup to show the person turning into a monster.
Also I believe the close up of the mirror is the actual actress with a double standing in front. Then zoomed out it is the swapped actress / final switch.
Mari Blanchard was an absolute knockout!
Filters and lighting.
The original 13 Ghosts gave the viewer Blue/Red tinted glasses to wear.
Red if you believed in ghosts. You saw the ghosts.
Blue if you did not believe. You saw nothing.
Look at all the shadows on the walls
“she devil” I can’t but laugh at such phrases in the English language which doesn’t have grammatical gender. It just sounds stupid 🤣
Whoah, she was hot. Apparently that was Mari Blanchard.
Go on Youtube and search “sh the octopus transformation” to see another great example of this effect.
“She Devil”. Sounds like my ex-girlfriend.
She went supersaiyan without losing one of her friends in a battle.
this is trivial, nowadays the smartphone is the only toy, but back, we used to do a lot of experiments in the 80s and 90s with cameras b/w film and coloured filters, you can learn a lot about light and time and physics in general, nowadays with the apps you don’t need to know things to be make art.
I mean, I know this sounds boomer-ish, but I can draw paint and make a movie for real. I am helping a guy that I know who is publishing a comic book designed with an Instagram third party app. I’m helping him with pagination of course, because everybody can do things but we’ve lost the time to learn arts&crafts. ( sorry for the little rant )
Had to watch this twice, awesome transition. Indeed cool.
CGI. Commonplace today, but would have been state of the art stuff back then. /s
Rule 8 of this sub.
This reminds me of the mirror scene from T2
The hair color never changed.
Some people see black/blue, and some people see white/gold.
We will never know her true hair color.
Back when Hollywood had to be creative instead of just using CGI for everything
It’s probably different colored lights and transitioning between the colors
Probably lightning gel!
Lighting. Her hair was already blonde in the second cut.
They had some great lighting effects back then, I remember a short where a woman turned into a witch or something, the lighting revealed her crazy make up or so.