How a car collision accident is simulated in the Philippines.
How a car collision accident is simulated in the Philippines.
byu/pancheel0g infunny
View Reddit by pancheel0g – View Source
How a car collision accident is simulated in the Philippines.
How a car collision accident is simulated in the Philippines.
byu/pancheel0g infunny
View Reddit by pancheel0g – View Source
My brother and I were in a pretty bad car accident when we were teenagers, head on (not high speed, thankfully) with a commercial construction truck. We took my old collection of those little cars they sell at chevron to demonstrate what happened. Fault was pretty ambiguous, but it basically came down to inattention (the other driver) vs. inexperience (my brother) so they made us a settlement offer.
in that way, the kids who are watching the news will understand too! haha
The blue one could’ve avoided the collision if it only had used its eyes.
Taking a page out of the Tommy Boy book I see
Peak news
That’s exactly how my lawyer explained to the judge how a drunk driver crashed into me
I bought it – it was based on various investigations
If it works, it works
Ka Chow!!
they still do this in the US too
My wife, a US insurance person, does the same.
Aw he didnt make the vroom vroom bang crash sound effects. I was waiting for it and now im disappointed.
Aah Toyota Fortuner making scenes even outside of my country I see..
I used to work for an auto insurance company as a claims adjuster. We always had lots of hot wheels and on our desk to recreate accidents for liability decisions.
Etf blue lightning???
I once appealed an insurance surcharge based on being found at fault in an accident. In the hearing room at the agency they had an assortment of toy cars and other vehicles so you could illustrate what happened.
This is how AI will get prompted to recreate accident scenes soon
The look in his eyes when the tips touched.
The 3D animation is very realistic.
look… we be doing out best here ok!
How to make news engaging for kids
the gramphics
I don’t know about you guys seeing it but, lots of tension before the two cars kissed each other. Can see it in the eyes👀 😘😜
Judges ain’t gonna eat that.
Mcqueen didnt join Dynoco
Blue car high af and looks shady as hell, they are definitely the guilty Cars
What 3d package you think they used?
No “CaChow”?
Also Indonesia. I was a passenger in a collision on Sumatra. Both drivers drove to the local police station, which was little more than a bungalow, and demonstrated the accident with Hot Wheels. Missed my goddam ferry.
Now kiss
That pretty damn accurate representation of the scene . They should have censored the collision
[You can’t drive like that lads.](https://youtu.be/NVLBx1i_-WY?t=132)
take that AI! we don’t need CGI anymore!
I want this guy to retell the death of Princess Diana.
You’re gonna do a back flip when you see the bridge of a working aircraft carrier
They used to do this in Vienna which led to Wittgenstein writing maybe the most influential piece of analytical philosophy ever.
Someone give them beamNG
Happy cake day
I wish they’d do it like that in America lol.
So how to simulate the speed and momentum of?
what ever happened to those Chinese cgi renderings of the news, those were the days