Horizon Forbidden West looks like PS6 Game in comparison to this. Spider-Man 2 is a Huge disappointment interms of Graphics. I expected more from a flagship ps5 exclusive game
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Horizon Forbidden West looks like PS6 Game in comparison to this. Spider-Man 2 is a Huge disappointment interms of Graphics. I expected more from a flagship ps5 exclusive game
View Reddit by xiosy – View Source
“Gameplay over graphics” mfs when the graphics aren’t top of the industry in their gameplay teaser
don’t feed the troll/hater
I agree! I’m also looking forward to the new Spider-Man game.. looks fucking beautiful!
It doesn’t look as good as I expected a PS5 only showing to look, at least so far, so I am a little disappointed but will still play and enjoy. Hopefully it runs at a buttery smooth 60fps though.
Back in my day trollbait was less obvious 🙁
Didn’t Horizon Forbidden West came out on PS4?
The PS5 version looks like the PC version with higher settings.
Have you even played the ps5 updated version of the previous Spiderman game? It was insane and this game will look better.
Lol ok I mean hfw is nothing special tbh
Yes I’m sure a compressed video file which is then recompressed when streamed through YouTube adequately renders the graphical fidelity of a cutting edge gaming console.
You good? it looks good
Okay OP.
I’m not sure how you know what a PS6 game is supposed to look like. But, since you are unhappy with your PS5, don’t play it anymore.
When did gamers become such whiners…
For what it’s worth, I agree with you. I saw a few faces (and mouth animations when talking) on background characters and my jaw dropped. Did you see the guy that Miles just threw to the ground after saving him? First of all, why did he just toss the poor guy to the concrete? Second, the NPC looked like an NPC from the PS3 era. The game looks good for the most part but I expected more.
This is what you chose to spend your time on?
What do you expect? This is literally the exact reason nobodys buying a ps5, ain’t no games and the ones they do have are jus reskinned ps4 games 😛
Sorry reddit but it’s true…
Is it really that bad? The last spider man game I played was on the ps1, so this looks amazing to me. Maybe I’m in the minority on this one.
Sanest soccer fan
Truly impressive how u/xiosy manages to be the absolute worst poster in a sub of over 37 million people
PS4: 1080p30 games
PS5: depends on your metrics, it’s 4-8 times more powerful, give or take.
Also people wanting games on PS5: 4K (4 times the resolution), 60-120 fps (2 to 4 times the framerate), better base visuals anyway that eat into available horsepower AND ray tracing on top.
Something has got to give man.
No one cares about a trash techno tribal white girl with dreads lol