Sunday, February 9All That Matters

Homeowners Associations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


  • If you hate your Homeowners Association right now, **PLEASE** repost this video to your Facebook page, and **PLEASE** repost this video to your Nextdoor neighbors, too! Make your Board watch Chris Parnell highlight the henious acts they always do!

  • I wanna start a company that helps neighborhoods overthrow their HOAs and ultimately disband them. Think of it like the CIA and the HOAs as south and central america. They might be democratically elected, but it is not in our best interests that they remain. We may also use the power of the office to foreclose the houses of the previous board members if they make a stink out of it.

    Once we have amassed enough power and a reputation they will be handing over the keys to us no questions asked.

  • Just an FYI, we all knew or should have known before purchase. That being said, how about collectively finding solutions to problems. The ‘volunteer’ board members are there to uphold the state code laws,zoning, etc. I invested 7 years of research in our hoa and was able to facilitate much needed updating of our governing documents. This involved the whole community’s input, meetings, multiple ballots. So instead of bashing what is out of your control on a much higher level, work to make things better? It can be done. Peace

  • I always hated HOAs before I saw this but now I am legit terrified by them.

    29% of Americans are living under the thumb of anonymous corporations for no other reason than legally buying and owning a home, which they could lose at anytime without their knowledge. And these companies are 100% incentivized to hit you with as many fees as possible to get your home for less than a coffee at Starbucks.

    What a fucking nightmare.

  • As someone who was under 30 and bought their house in 2020 and got a great deal before the housing market shat the bed. I made sure to buy a house in a place without an HOA. And I am so glad I did

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