Wednesday, March 12All That Matters

Holy fuck new skydome reno. You guys think any sport can be played here ? soccer, football ?


  • I’ve only been to one baseball match in my life and it was here. I think the trip went

    Friday: Baseball (Toronto lost, didn’t even score a home run so no fireworks)

    Saturday: Niagara Falls

    Sunday: Toronto Indy (Paul Tracey won)

    Monday: Chance to go up the CN Tower but Groundhog Day was on the hotel film channel and it hadn’t been released in the UK at this point, so I watched that instead.

  • I’m quite sure the redesign is partly due to the fact that football and soccer will no longer be played there, so the seats can be moved accordingly. So just baseball and concerts etc

  • I went to a game there about 5 years ago and it was already in need of a renovation then, but I did love how (similar to basketball arenas), the smell of funnel cakes wafted throughout the whole stadium.

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