Hmmm, I think it’s trying to tell me something, what do you guys think?
View Reddit by cjunit123 – View Source
Hmmm, I think it’s trying to tell me something, what do you guys think?
View Reddit by cjunit123 – View Source
It’s trying to tell you, its owners don’t know IT
It’s begging you for a boot device
I think you found something to ssh into lmao
There is no glitch in the matrix
The matrix froze half way through loading
Hello… Mr Anderson…..
Turn your head
Did you see the cat? twice?
Ok, that one is kinda interesting. Computers are able to boot a OS or PE (Preinstallation Environment) over a network. For that, this device needs to discover a DHCP server to get an IP address which failed. That’s the first PXE-E51 message.
After that, the device usually tries to boot an os from it’s hard drive. Which again, seems to not be installed.
So either, someone tried to update the OS and failed due to DHCP not available or the device has been delivered without OS and the network is not attached.
Hello Mr. Anderson
I don’t find this funny and yet this one gets 6 upvotes!! I think I am starting to get a sense of the kind of audience here.
Follow the white rabbit
Knock, knock, Neo.
Matrix loading
Follow the white rabbit
Looks like it’s missing the OS and trying to boot from the network.
Someone forgot to send the words
Look, as long as it isn’t telling you to feed the cat to the ATM, you’re good.