Thursday, March 13All That Matters

Historically accurate vikings


  • Kinda, so viking wasn’t what was used to refer to the Scandinavian people, they were referred to as their country of origin name, like Dane for people from Denmark and Norwegian etc. Viking was a profession that basically meant exploring and going on raids

    So vikings did go on raids, but not all Scandinavian people were Vikings, some were farmers and traders.

  • How about we talk about the fact they lost nearly every battle when fighting actual organised armies. I am guessing vikingboos would rather have the image as tallboy white ubermensh who raid and pillage.

  • When I was traveling to Denmark one guy in Copenhagen asked me if I already tried sex with viking. I asked him what him knows about his country history in vikings times and he wasn’t able to give me proper answer, said something based on TV show Vikings that has very small historical accuracy. Some individuals from Scandinavia like to say they are vikings descendants but have zero clue about own history and about real vikings.

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