Sunday, September 8All That Matters

hi guys, i am currently making a basketball multiplayer videogame where you can use some abilities and guns, does using walls for jumping sounds like a good ability idea?

hi guys, i am currently making a basketball multiplayer videogame where you can use some abilities and guns, does using walls for jumping sounds like a good ability idea?

hi guys, i am currently making a basketball multiplayer videogame where you can use some abilities and guns, does using walls for jumping sounds like a good ability idea?

hi guys, i am currently making a basketball multiplayer videogame where you can use some abilities and guns, does using walls for jumping sounds like a good ability idea? from gaming

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  • rlockwich

    Yeah if your moving around and jumping that fast, the size of the area needs to be bigger. Jumping from one end of the court to the other seems strange. Destiny+2K22? I could see a gravity jump but not across the entire court.

  • Khanstant

    Is it fun? Does seem like it might require much bigger enclosed arena’s and be much harder to follow eachother. Maybe if it were a limited boost or slower rocket type movement rather than just a supwr-jump all the way across the map.

  • PilotGamer01

    Sounds dope but like everyone else says, bigger map and I think playing around with gravity could be a good base line for something. Also if you had a dono page I doubt I’m the only one who’d donate to help this happen

  • DjMartinMan

    I’m thinking that it could be fun, It would kind of be like Oddball but with hoops. and abilities. Maps could be very interesting in terms of quick shortcuts you can use to traverse the area and escape the enemy trying to steal the ball. It would kind of be like if Oddball meets Basketball meets Black Ops 3 movement system and maps all based around villages, stadiums, fun themes. I think if fully developed, this would be a sick game I’d buy. Would you be needing music for the game by any chance?


    EDIT: Can also have an announcer (cough cough hmu) with medals or bonus xp for doing certain trickshots into the hoop, or even just being a team player/defender, passing the ball over long distances, mid air steal etc. I got so many ideas now haha.

  • anyrhing

    note – at second 5.00 the player is dashing in the air, this dash also can be used for blocking the ball when a rival has the ball

  • MichaelRoco1

    i like the idea of the ability but it needs to be worthwhile. the gameplay looks like u can move faster just by avoiding the walls. maybe bigger maps could be a start, or a speed multiplier to you or your shot when u come off a wall

  • kalesaji

    Way to fast. It’s cool for yourself, but someone else has to defend against that and it basically becomes impossible to do that.

  • Extrillo

    Is it fun for all if one player can control the ball, the only object of interest, in this way? Considering rocket league, no one ever really has much control, or well, being able to control it is strongly based on player skill.
    Really like the idea, and I think that basketball is a fun sport to give super powers like in the video.

  • gamma_gamer

    Wall jumping sounds fun! But as being said, with that kind of movement, your maps will have to be bigger.

    Have you considered pick-upables? Like speed boost or giving players a 1 shot ability to, for example, create a zero-gravity field on the map to hinder enemy movement?

  • legendaryboss200

    Maps do need to be bigger, but these smaller ones should be kept as well. I think it would be nice to see a map where you have to parkour your way onto the hoop – maybe it’ll be too much though, idk.

    Although I think it needs tweaking (maybe) – this seems like a fun concept, keep it up!

    Now I’m wondering:

    How is one gonna take the ball from another? How well will teamwork work or will it be necessary? Can people who suck at the game still enjoy? I have more questions but I’d have to play for myself.

  • Affectionate-Ad6556

    Yes and no it depends. If you balance everything so one weapon isn’t too op it could be great but on the other gand a 3 pointer bazooka even tho it sounds cool is not fun to play against 😀

  • RWCK1

    It seems like rocket league but robotic basketball. I would be down. I dont play rl as much anymore but i always found it fun to play

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