Hershey Bear fans throw 52,341 stuffed animals on the ice for 20th Teddy Bear Toss event! Went to a TEDDY BEAR THROW and an Ice hockey game broke out! More links and info in comments.
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New World Record of 52,341 stuffed animals were tossed on the ice, delaying the game for about 15 minutes as bears rained down from the stands. It’s the 20th year of this favorite event where Sweet fans bring new stuffed animals that get donated to local charities for giving to traumatized kids that need something to hug and keep. Watch all these videos, they will make you SMILE. This takes place in Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA; home of the world famous Hershey Chocolate Bar and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Also the huge Amusement Park “HersheyPark,” and Chocolate World, too.