Saturday, October 12All That Matters

Here’s How the Draft Actually Works in the U.S. | NowThis

Here’s How the Draft Actually Works in the U.S. | NowThis

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  • bikesexually

    Heh. If the US tried to enact a draft the country would immediately break apart. There are plenty of guns and plenty of evidence how the US military acts immorally with violence and screws over veterans.

    The only way it could happen would possibly be if they allowed or did a false flag terrorist attack.

    Biden seems to really want to start a war with Russia, Iran and China.

  • LostByMonsters

    The country will have no choice but to draft next year when WW3 officially kicks off. Russia China and Iran have far more people.

  • burnt_out_dev

    Do people not realize, that if there is another major war, the draft will absolutely come back, and you can guarantee women will be in it this time too.

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