Tuesday, October 22All That Matters

Having trustworthy friends

Having trustworthy friends

Having trustworthy friends

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    ***Similar situation:*** Went in for work group lotto tickets at $20 each for $180 total. They sent me to the state line to buy the tickets. Since I took the time after work to drive all that way, I bought $10 of my own tickets. All the group ticket numbers were cataloged and a copy was presented to each contributor. Not one of the group numbers hit. I, on the other hand, hit for $120,000…said not a word!

  • manyname

    I know it’s a comic, so not going to comment too much. But “rolling slots” for someone, with expectation to be paid whatever is rolled is…weird, to me.

    But, damn, man did Dave dirty; could have *at least* given him his tenner back.

  • ImpressiveRepeat862

    Ever since the slot machines turned digital the odds of winning have dropped much much lower. Meanwhile, the number of ‘wheels’ that all have to align have multiplied.

  • wemustkungfufight

    Dude, give Dave a $50 and say he quadrupled his money. He’ll be so happy he’ll never question anything about it.

  • CaptainPunisher

    Many moons ago, a friend gave me $5 to play craps however I would normally play it. Gave him $80 back, and he bought me a couple beers. I also played my own bet next to his, so we both came up.

  • maytrix007

    If your going to roll slots for someone just agree that you’ll split the winnings on that roll if it’s a winner. Simple solution and they’d both be happy and better off.

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