Oh man I remember when two worlds launched. I was so excited. Went to Gamestop to get my copy and they were sold out. Dude at the counter was a real jerk and said I should have preordered. Went to WalMart after and they had it. And then the game was dogshit. Good times! Lol
I had too sell my stack of games for about £60 when I had no internet and no income. This brings extremely enjoyable nostalgia back. Thank you for sharing
How much for the shelf?
Many weekends lost to some of them games
I don’t know what to do with my childhood stacks :/
Why two copies of Fable 2, Fable 3, and GTAV?
Oh man I remember when two worlds launched. I was so excited. Went to Gamestop to get my copy and they were sold out. Dude at the counter was a real jerk and said I should have preordered. Went to WalMart after and they had it. And then the game was dogshit. Good times! Lol
I had too sell my stack of games for about £60 when I had no internet and no income. This brings extremely enjoyable nostalgia back. Thank you for sharing
You played Cards Against Humanity as a child?
Wait… FIFA14. For playstation2. 2014!?
I respect the doubled up copies of fable 2&3 so much
Ah the warcraft battlechest
Good times