Friday, February 21All That Matters

Harry Belafonte picking his nose with the Confederate flag. Rest, hero.


Harry Belafonte picking his nose with the Confederate flag. Rest, hero.


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  • My first question is, “Is this real?” No source is provided. Given the quality of the image, this could have been made in Microsoft Paint over a decade ago.

    Google Reverse Image and TinEye only show a few Tumblr and Twitter posts, but no information about when or where this was taken or by who.

    It could just be a funny and poignant image. That alone gives it merit. But it would be a lot more meaningful if this really occurred. If it did happen, I’d love to hear the story.

    OP, do you have a source for this or can you provide any context?

  • My favorite Belafonte story was that, after the murder of 3 civil rights workers in Mississippi, the NAACP asked Belafonte and Sidney Poitier to help the workers financially.

    Poitier offered to wire the money but Belafonte told him there was no way that money would ever be seen again if they tried that. So the two most famous Black artists of the day flew to deep Mississippi and, in the middle of the night, with lights off to evade Klansmen and police, drove $50,000 to the local NAACP chapter. And then did it again the next time they were asked for help

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