“The Hard Detail concept trailer is a thrilling blast from the past, capturing the gritty and explosive style of 90’s action cinema. Alison Brie is a force to be reckoned with, showcasing her range and intensity as a skilled and determined operative in a world of danger and deception. The attention to detail in the production design, music, and cinematography is impressive, transporting us back to an era of classic action flicks. This trailer promises a movie that will keep us on the edge of our seats, cheering for our hero and gasping at every twist and turn. Can’t wait to see the Hard Detail come to life on the big screen!”
“The Hard Detail concept trailer is a thrilling blast from the past, capturing the gritty and explosive style of 90’s action cinema. Alison Brie is a force to be reckoned with, showcasing her range and intensity as a skilled and determined operative in a world of danger and deception. The attention to detail in the production design, music, and cinematography is impressive, transporting us back to an era of classic action flicks. This trailer promises a movie that will keep us on the edge of our seats, cheering for our hero and gasping at every twist and turn. Can’t wait to see the Hard Detail come to life on the big screen!”
It’s fun to try to pick out where each clip came from…
She would be the one who kills John Wick in 5th installment