Saturday, February 15All That Matters

Halo The Series (2022) | Series Premiere | Full Episode | Paramount+


  • This being the same producer group as the ones behind the Star Trek revival shows explains so much about their thought process. They just want to have their Star Wars equivalent to compete with Disney+ so they’ll take any space sci-fi and grind it up til its remolded in their image.

  • That was a fun episode. Looking forward to more interactions between silver team and large-scale Covenant battles. The background CGI in Reach and High Charity is so promising in terms of recreating the scale of an intergalactic war.

    Enjoyed episode 2 as well, cool to see how Soren ended up.

  • I didn’t follow any of the backlash of this show but this looks like Youtube quality? I get that it’s a TV show not a movie but the lighting, CGI, and choreography look awful. I mean in comparison to Mandalorian/Witcher/Wheel of Time that Netflix/HBO/Disney/Amazon put out this is on the bottom rung.

  • So not only is Master Chief a the best super soldier ever, but he is also Covenant Harry Potter?

    Edit: Like…does every protagonist have to be Neo? It is so unnecessary. He’s cool without it.

  • It looks good but everything else in it is lazy as all hell. That one second a gun is shooting marshmallows and three seconds later it loaded with semi trucks. Im almost certain they are self aware of this when he strait says that gun can’t dent my armor. I also agree with some discussions that they are just using all their money on the CGI and relying on the bulk to be cheap conversations with the girl.

  • Human rebel can’t kill bad aliens with giant gun in back of pick up. They get killed with space guns and swords. Gun can’t get through shield. Okay so far.

    Spartans show up and use the same exact weapon to kill the shielded aliens with minimal effort. That’s not following its own logic 7 minutes into ep1.

    The action had no sense of geography, too.

    If that’s “the hook” action piece, I dread the quality of the mini-action bits before the get the the major set piece at the end.

  • Unfortunately, this video and the show itself aren’t available in the UK but I just love how the gamers are whining because they’re not just doing Halo 1 in TV form.

    How petty can you get?

  • I don’t understand why people think that just because it doesn’t follow the plot of the games it’s “lore inaccurate”. This show feels more accurate to the novels/comics than anything before it. It’s like how the MCU adapts some elements of the comics/cartoons but mostly just does it’s own thing.

    I saw people complaining about John walking around without a helmet in a black under-suit. But if you read the comics/books that’s been his basic out-of-armor suit for 20 years. It’s almost like none of you actually know a thing about the lore outside of the handful of YouTube videos you’ve watched.

  • This looks expensive and cheap at the same time. Some details that I found annoying were the covenant already calling Chief demon like he had a reputation with them when he didn’t. The Covenant didn’t think highly of any of the human forces, including the spartans, who they were on par with tactically during the fall of Reach. Master Chief was basically the exception, but only got his reputation in Halo 1 after he destroyed the ring because he was viewed as some unholy force of nature who dared to destroy something the covenant saw as beyond sacred. Up until the end of Halo 1, he was just some guy who was more powerful than the average marine fucking up the covenant plans. Even in the beginning of Halo 2, the Prophets are highly dismissive of Master Chief.

    I think a much better series would have been Contact Harvest and centering around Sargent Johnson. This seems all over the place and trying to introduce all these elements and aesthetics from the games with no clear idea forward. Already 30 minutes in, you basically have every element from the games in the mix from the covenant, to the UNSC vs the rebellion and the forerunner artifacts, none of it introduced very artfully. It’s too much in too short a time. Already Master Chief is being portrayed as super special, when the original trilogy just treated him as a man on a mission. He didn’t give a shit about his reputation with the Covenant. Whereas Contact Harvest, you get the first contact with the Covenant, as well as the situation with the rebellion, for which the UNSC didn’t give a lick about. They were highly authoritarian, which is glossed over here as “a bad look.”

    They really should have played the games. Here it seems they basically told one guy to read all the books and give them a detailed report on terms and such and the writers just based all their ideas off that.

  • It’s almost like master chief never wore his helmet in the games. Oh wait they didn’t even fucking study the games they just gave us a nearly invincible savior of the galaxy that decides to spend time babysitting a rebel instead of doing anything reminiscent of Halo in any capacity. Sorens arm is also some of the worst practical effects I’ve seen. Good work boys let’s talk about chiefs feelings some more since that’s what the story calls for.

  • This is another one of these shows where the entire thread is filled w/ posts on how crappy the writing, acting, effects, production, overall pace & tone. And how ignorant & idiotic the creators have to be, for not doing something anyone would’ve done, which would’ve made the show 10x better, at the very least digestible.

    It be one of the most populated post episode discussion thread each week, & filled w/ people commenting on how much of a shitshow the show is, then usually followed by a bunch of people replying about how thankful they are, for dropping the show 20m into the 1st episode.

    Clearly indicating that person’s intellectual understanding & wisdom is so advanced, they were able to determine how shitty the show will be & dropping it, after only a few scenes. Deciding not to waste anymore time watching such crappy tv sci-fi.

    When better time is spent watching prestigious, in-depth & intricate storylines from video game cut scenes, which the show creators were too stupid to understand. But also still visiting post discussion threads of a show they claim to have stopped watching.

    Just like, the Boba discussion thread. Every episode, up to the finale, is filled with peoples negative thoughts & comments about how awful the show is. They watch every episode, attend & participate in post ep discussion threads, so if anyone should know how bad a show is, it’d be them.

    I think People believe writing has gotten worse & worse. I disagree, & think there’s been improvements, but not enough to consider anything has changed. I don’t think , tv especially fantasy/sci-fi , has gotten worse. I thinks it’s pretty much the same these last few yrs, & improved from most of what the genre had a decade ago.

    I think what has changed, is how popular it’s become for people who enjoy collectively complaining, & being negatively pessimistic toward something high in popularity & high expectations.

  • Very mundane whenever there’s no action scene. Just shit writing. But when they come out and say they didn’t read the books or use the games as a basis it shows. Also, Chief’s voice is fucking terrible. 5/10

  • I thought it was really good. I’m surprised at all the hate on here. Well…not surprised so much as predictably saddened. Good action, effects and visual look good overall, story is just getting started so too early to judge there.

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