Hall & Oates’ so bad it’s good music video for their song “She’s Gone”, 1973.
Hall & Oates’ so bad it’s good music video for their song “She’s Gone”, 1973.
byu/Lurker2115 inOldSchoolCool
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Hall & Oates’ so bad it’s good music video for their song “She’s Gone”, 1973.
Hall & Oates’ so bad it’s good music video for their song “She’s Gone”, 1973.
byu/Lurker2115 inOldSchoolCool
View Reddit by Lurker2115 – View Source
Always wondered where that Abandoned Luncheonette was. Used to pass a similar one between Doylestown & Quakertown
Fun fact: Daryl Hall challenged me to a game of pool on September 23, 1985, in the early morning hours after the first Farm Aid concert.
^(I turned him down because I was too shy.)
Hall out her looking like Kyle Reese needs to find and protect him to prevent judgement day.
Live from Darryl’s House is one of the best things in the whole Internet.
YouTube that shit. You are welcome.
Those last minute almost improvised music videos of the 70s that I rarely saw back on the day. Maybe Midnight Special or American Bandstand would show one. I mean, who were they made for?
Gotta say, in 1973, they looked a lot more badass than the 80s H&O I’m more familiar with.
Ziggy Stardust and Oates
Daryl Hall looks like a strung out David Bowie in this video.
Honestly I love the dead pan expression. It really captures that post-break up apathetic depression.
I also had no idea that Daryl Hall went for this look in any era. I’m in to it
No one ever talks about Johns guitar tone
Darryl in his David Bowie phase here
They look like they would be into heavy drugs and crazy edgy sex. Definitely not the more mainstream look they acquired later. And the detached depressed and blasé attitudes are fantastic vehicles for the song subject matter. I am definitely digging it! This is my first time seeing the video.
So much cocaine.
The song is so good they needed the terrible video to dilute its power.
I graduated from high school in 1970 and married in 1971. Best time to live & best music ever. Life was about music, dancing and laughing! How I miss those days.
How bought Y M C A
Looks like one of those old public access tv shows where the avg Joe could have his own tv show for 30 mins.
More like Heroin & Oats.
That looked like a cable access show. +1 on Live from Daryl’s house! Do yourself a favor and go down that rabbit hole.