Guys In My Class Pulled Out [Magic The Gathering] Decks At Recess
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Guys In My Class Pulled Out [Magic The Gathering] Decks At Recess
View Reddit by HiKinGeR-eSt – View Source
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We did that too 27 years ago. Damn I feel old.
Good on them for enjoying their hobby.
Recess? These guys were held back like 10 years I guess
That was me in high school!
You should join in, it’s actually fun.

Phyrexia proliferates poison counters!
If you know, you know 😵
I wish I hadn’t looked down on Magic when I was in school – years later I tried it and, while I’m not huge into it, I liked it a whole lot more than I thought I would. It’s a great game, and I’d love to be able to take a break in the middle of the day to pull out a deck with friends and play a few games. Good on these guys.
Hell yeah they’re playing commander too
Bro, there are more questions than answers here. What school has recess and dudes with tattoos. You either go to the hardest elementary school in the world or that dude has repeated 4th grade about 12 times.
Absolute madlads
what class is this anger management?
plot twist, they are the teachers
Amazing lol I’m glad people still play this game, it was a huge part of my childhood in the early 90’s
Hey guys after recess wanna grab some beer?
Wow, who [gives a fuck]
In college they call this a break
My freshman year of high school (1996), a group of people gathered every lunch to play Magic in one of the computer labs. Since they wanted every last second for playing, they’d all skip the eating part of lunch. When I noticed this I had the bright idea of going through the lunch line and stealing as much as I possibly could every day and then bringing it over to the lab and selling it. I made a bit of money every day, but also took cards in trade.
I sold my collection in the early 2000s and paid my rent for a year or so. If only I’d held out another 20 years I could have bought a house with lunch profits instead.
For those who don’t they are playing a format called “Commander” or “EDH”. EDH stands for “Elder Dragon Highlander”. You play with a 99 card deck with no repeats, and a special card that sits in the “Command Zone” which is your creature commander. So, it looks like they are playing:
Guy on the left is running “Vorel of The Hull Clade”
Guy on the right is running ”Rhonas, the Indomitable”
Guy in the back is running “The Locust God” thank you sharkhero for correcting me
Lotta green in this Pod, my kind of table 😎
I’m so out of touch I didn’t realize kids had stopped playing Magic.
Since when do you need dice to play MtG? I played from 1993-1999 and dice was not a thing.
That dude playing elves? What a prick.
Alright, seems like I mistranslated stuff, sorry guys.
So :
-I think the shcool year equivalent would be college ? It’s a training school where the age ranges from 21 to 45.
-Apparently “recess” isn’t really accurate, “lunchtime” fits better.
Anyways, you have my thanks for all the positivity, except the two asshats ofc.
Good. Now you know who the cool kids are.
There’s always time for magic