Saturday, March 29All That Matters

Guardians of Justice – Official Trailer – Out Now on Netflix


  • Netflix didn’t promote this show at all. This trailer isn’t even on their YouTube channels.

    EDIT: Just watched the first episode. While I appreciate the idea behind it, it comes across as a mediocre YouTube fan film.

  • *Do not write another sketch with Krang from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. No one knows who Krang is. It would be a waste of time to talk about Krang on television.*

  • If the story is bad, no amount of good art can save it.

    Inclusive… Ok

    Woke… Ok I can stomach it…

    Gay hate theme? Mmmm…

    Then that switch surprise krang? If this wasn’t included, it could have been a 2/5 show. I wish I could rate it negative.

    I mean the actors were… I hope they get paid.

  • I think this show was badass and mixed live action and animation perfectly, looks like a lot of work went into making it look like a lot of work didn’t go into making it, enjoyed it as much as Super Crooks. I also think the Titans show is badass, though.

  • Reposting my comment from another thread in the hopes someone else will watch this…!

    Just watched a bit of it but I thought it was great! I haven’t seen a show this creative and packed with ideas in ages. It feels deliberately mid 90s in tone, acting, effects etc. The scene transitions from one style to the next are so good.

    It reminded me a bit of Lexx in places, as well as 90s MTV animation. Casting Diamond Dallas Page was genius. I’m going to watch the rest this weekend.

    It’s definitely an acquired taste though.

  • Watched the first episode, and holy shit is it just Tommy Wiseau’s The Watchmen.

    Truly awful TV, terribly written almost satirical writing that doesn’t understand subtly, with almost parody level writing being said seriously and I’m so excited to watch more. The Tommy Wiseau’s adaptation of The Watchmen I never knew I wanted.

    Also, in one shot they straight up use use Mongul AND Black Manta. Not like, straight up those characters designs. I imagine DC/Warner might be looking at this project VERY closely.

  • I have a lot of random thoughts about this.

    I feel like I shouldn’t like this, but I kind of do. It’s like The Tick, but like, if The Tick took itself seriously and was unaware it’s a parody. I sort of like the eclectic, low budget look of it, the transitions to animations are an interesting experiment, if not entirely original. I think I first saw something like that in Kill Bill and it also brought to mind Ralph Bakshi’s attempt to combine Live Action and animation with his LOTR film. I can respect it for what it’s trying to do, even though it falls pretty far from the overall mark.

    As soon as I saw good ol’ DDP in the credits I was already sort of tempering my expectations, I went in expecting low-bugdet sets and C-Tier acting, and got exactly that. This shows no-style-style carries it, it’s somehow sleek while looking like my eighth grade binder, which is interesting. I think there’s something there, it just needs to be refined… and maybe (no offense to my boy DDP) a better cast.

    I can definitely deal with low budget sets; I grew up watching B-fantasy and sci-fi — The Sword and The Sorcerer was my jam as a kid — so the look of a movie has never been of particular importance to me. In some ways, I kind of prefer the low budget look, it’s almost more “real” to me. Like I prefer the often mocked saber fight between Obi-Wan and Vader in New Hope than anything in the Prequels (or Sequels). It all became so overwrought and over produced, so, while thrilling to the eyes, never made feel like they were really *there*.

    As I watched the first episode I kept comparing it to watchmen in my head, or other “superhero deconstructionist” movies/comics and realized this niche genre is sort of like Mob movies in that I can’t help but compare everything to the greats; Like how every Mob movie is compared to Goodfellas, Godfather, or The Sopranos… and is that really fair? Does everything need to be Goodfellas good to be worth my time?

    Maybe I just have bad taste, lol, but yeah, I’ll probably watch the rest of the season.

  • i had no idea what this show was about but when i started watching the first episode last night my initial reaction was “THIS IS SO F’ING STUPID….um, maybe not?. lol. i’m about to start the 3rd episode and it definitely is silly/stupid/bizarre/cheesy/etc. but i am actually kind of liking it!

    i’m a big fan of Sharni Vinson (who plays “The Speed”) so that helps with my enjoyment of the show. it’s also pretty fun to see all the different cameos/smaller parts by people like Chas Bono, Derek Mears, Kellan Lutz, Will Yun Lee, Jane Seymour, etc. etc.!

  • I just finished this, it’s basically a The Boys-Invincible-Marvel-DC parody kinda thing with what I thought was a really cool art style with the animation blended in, but the plot was like that of a parody B-movie like Kung Fury

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