Sunday, October 6All That Matters

Growing up in the 80s was kind of the best.

Growing up in the 80s was kind of the best.

(I’m in front. My beautiful BFF flanking me on the right 💕. His boyfriend on my left. I was a lucky girl to have them in my life. )

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  • StrangeAssonance

    I remember how common the striped shirts were and the hair on the guys was like everywhere. Best part is the looks in photos. Did we think we needed fuck you faces when people took our photos?

  • dyslexiasyoda

    I appreciate the nostalgic sentiment, and wouldnt want to rain on your memory parade. However, all generations say that same thing when they get older.

    I grew up in the 80s and dont remember such carefree days. Of course we had fun, but we also had a scary old man in the Whitehouse, AIDs, stiffling conformity, a resurgence of militarism (‘member when we all cut our hair short after Top Gun?), crack and coke addiction…etc) and a generation older than us that insisted that their youth(late 50/early 60s) was the best of times.. so much so that their music and fashion dominated ours (remember Grease, all of that nauseating 1950s/60s stuff?

    We had good music, for sure, but we had crappy stuff as well…

    The 1980s were the last where we werent so connected via cell phones, but, we were certainly addicted to television.

    Glad you had fun, so did I… but it wasnt all roses…

  • fake-august

    You and your friends look just how we did back in the day – we never had big hair or acid washed jeans that seem to define the era. We were way cooler 😊

  • zestypurplecatalyst

    I enjoyed it too. Although we all thought we would be killed by a nuclear bomb any day. If we were lucky. Otherwise we’d have to live through nuclear winter and a post apocalyptic wasteland. And AIDS was killing gays like me and your friends there. (I hope they came through it. So many of our peers didn’t.) While Ronnie and Nancy smiled and did nothing. It was God’s will that we die. We brought it on on ourselves with our despicable lifestyle.

    But somehow I do have good memories of that time. But it’s easy to remember the good and forget the bad.

  • Commercial-Army2431

    Wow . I had to blow up the picture and get my glasses (ffs) because you look like my friends from high school. We definitely would have been in the same click.
    Luck and some patience (on her part) my girlfriend then and fellow angst companion, and now wife of many many years would approve of both style and pose. And the same musical taste, without a doubt.
    I’m lucky and humbled, my ever so stylish, 80s companion, is still my ever so stylish from the 80s companion. And my BFF male friend, since kindergarten is part of my life daily.
    Nothing like coming home hearing New Order Blue Monday blasting. And my 80s friends, still listening to it with me in 2023.
    Wow. You stirred up memories. And gratitude, thanks OP. Great picture.

  • IDrinkUrMilksteak

    This looks like a photo where parts of you will start disappearing when one of you goes back in time and can’t get your parents together.

  • Freaky_Chakra_

    >Growing up in the 80s was kind of the best.

    not in the ussr, not in Soviet Ukraine. I graduated from school in the 80s. terrible times. andropovshchyna. trousers must be ironed and have *strelki*. they were expelled from school because of their hairstyles, there were cases when the police beat off boys’ kidneys for *inappropriate appearance*. from the end of the 70s there was another wave of political repression (ban on the Ukrainian language, etc.), which continued even during Gorbachev’s *perestroika*. trauma for life.

  • bugbrown1

    I’m surprised I have to say this, but here goes…

    This is in response to all the negative comments. In a post like this, saying something is”the best” is a subjective figure of speech and is not meant to be taken in a literal manner. It does not mean that nothing bad happened in that decade. It does not mean that the decade you grew up in wasn’t the best to you. It’s not meant to take anything away from the decade you grew up in. It simply means that I had a good time growing up in the 80s and that the artistic culture and teenage stuff was, in my experience, the best. Despite the crap going on in the world and in my personal life in the 80s, I had enough wonderful times to say, “Wow, that was the best!”

    Like when you eat your favorite ice cream, you might think, “Oh man, this is the best!” You might get excited and make a post on reddit saying, “Chocolate chip ice cream is the best!” But that does not mean it IS the best I’ve cream in the world.

    Y’all: It’s subjective.

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