There are a bunch of human-centric terms for groups, too:
– An argument of HOA members
– A contaminated war-zone of toddlers
– A suspicion of teenagers
– A never-ending story of retirees
– A depression of nine-to-fivers
– An entitlement of bad customers
– A divorce court of strippers
– An impending catastrophe of influencers
A small,Intimate Gathering of Crocodiles is my favourite one
I think it’s missing one
A HOLY F*****G SH*T of black widow spiders
*Martin Landau*
Thy forgot ’A **Hive-Mind** of Redditors’
Way to not cte the source you took this from. ‟The Onion Book of Known Knowledge”
Sick in bed and feeling miserable today but the bees got me
I thought “Fuckload” can apply to all of them?
What’s a group of moose?
There are a bunch of human-centric terms for groups, too:
– An argument of HOA members
– A contaminated war-zone of toddlers
– A suspicion of teenagers
– A never-ending story of retirees
– A depression of nine-to-fivers
– An entitlement of bad customers
– A divorce court of strippers
– An impending catastrophe of influencers
The list goes on.
Need to think of one for bat’s too, their absence from the list is a tragic oversight!
From ‟The Onion Book of Known Knowledge: A Definitive Encyclopadia Of Existing Information” in case you were wondering
They missed a *cunt* of *wasps*.
A group of kids is called a Nightmare
A *tangle* of snakes
Martin Landau of goats 😂🤣😂🤣😂
I just got a snapple fact the other day that said a group of goats is called a trip
The geese pictured are actually a skein of geese since they’re airborne.
A wunch of bankers.
I feel like some of these aren’t legit
I feel like Shitstorm of Sparrows would be a good name for an indie metal band.
A group of seals is actually called a haulout. Duffel bag works too haulout is already pretty great.
I’ll admit, the moths got me…
And you thought Japanese counters were hard.
I always like Click n Clacks ‘A Shrug of Mechanics’
Don’t forget my favorite: a Scum of CEOs.