I got one almost by accident when they were like gold dust to find. Asked when they were expecting a restock and the cashier sort of whispered that they had some but weren’t advertising because of scalpers. Got it home and the disc drive was faulty. Luckily managed to exchange it for the last one in stock the next day. Have fun my guy
Can we appreciate that this person was kind enough to cover the face of the person in the background? 👏 I wish there were more people like you. Is honestly insane out there nowadays.. In 5min you can end up in 20 pics and 5 videos lol. – with that said, congratulations, enjoy it. (not jealous i swear)
Nice! Congrats on that.
Congrats, what games are you going to start?
I’m glad crisis has passed and developers can start focusing on developing games for current gen systems now.
You didn’t buckle the baby in??? Come on. /s Enjoy the system and have fun.
That best buy employee looks like he’s about to draw on you and steal your new toy.
I got one recently too!!! yay for the chip shortage problem improving.
A simple joy, have fun !
I’m more interested in knowing what Goku was doing walking on the parking lot
Gotta buckle that poor child up!
Okay but like why not wait until you outrun loss prevention. Buddy in the background is looking to book you.
No seatbelt? How dare you!
thought the guy outside the car was Jamiroquai for a second
jUsT gOt ThIs BaD bOy, CaNt WaIt To SeE wHaT aLl ThE hYpE iS aBoUt!!!!1!1!11
I need to buy one of those
Maybe this is a South American thing, but I would not leave that on the back seat…
Congrats! The day I got mine was a very good day 😁 What game are you playing first??
Wish some games would come out already. Mine has not been on in months and prob won’t be until FF16.
Great, you’ve purchased something mass produced.
Aren’t you concerned by the man with a cat on his head running towards your car?
You should actually play it instead of taking it for rides.
That guy looks like he has big iron on his hip
You know you could like give that to me because like I’m a pretty nice guy and stuff so like… uh… yeah… heh heh. *wheezing intensifies*
I also prefer a PS5 to having a child
are you kidding me? posts like this still get upvoted? why?
Say goodbye to that sunshine
I got one almost by accident when they were like gold dust to find. Asked when they were expecting a restock and the cashier sort of whispered that they had some but weren’t advertising because of scalpers. Got it home and the disc drive was faulty. Luckily managed to exchange it for the last one in stock the next day. Have fun my guy
You didn’t put the ps5’s selt belt on
I broke into a car and got mine too. Nice
PS5 is amazing congrats bro
Why’s the box damaged
That guy in the background looks like he ok a high noon duel
Is that GOKU??
Plot twist: OP stole it and the Walmart employee in the background is trying to stop them.
Just came back from Costco. PS5 with 2 controllers for $549. Fully stocked. Poor poor scalpers.
What!?!? But you can’t find those anywhere yet! Lolololol
I got the digital a few years ago – having no drive still hasn’t been a problem. Nice choice.
Yep, getting away with the PS5 you just stole as a uniformed guy chases you down always brightens my morning
Right around the start of summer too. Kid/teenage you would have been so excited.
I hope you were able to get the ps plus collection games.
I wish I could afford that right now, but good on you op. I celebrate your success and mourn my failures with the same glass!
What you don’t see: OP ‘s owned PS5 since launch and drives like this every day.
Big mistake buying the digital but okay
When was ps5 released? Dated
Am I the only one who thought bro was wearing a Goku wig?
why is bro sprinting at you 😭
Can we appreciate that this person was kind enough to cover the face of the person in the background? 👏 I wish there were more people like you. Is honestly insane out there nowadays.. In 5min you can end up in 20 pics and 5 videos lol. – with that said, congratulations, enjoy it. (not jealous i swear)