Grandma was so excited, she got a great deal on the Quest 2 for my birthday. She’s the best!!
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Grandma was so excited, she got a great deal on the Quest 2 for my birthday. She’s the best!!
View Reddit by jb69029 – View Source
Wow if my grandma bought me that!! 😍
I’ll take that of your hands
Golf, Wario, Pinball, and Teleroboxer. My jams. Also, Grandma’s still alive? You look 50.
How old is your grandma?
Your grandma is blind and thanks to Virtual Boy, you are too!
Trust me. Take the Excedrin before you start.
Get ready to sear your retinas!
Oh damn!
Haven’t seen one in ages.
Never owned one but, played one at a toysRus when I was a kid. Worst headache ever
My eyes hurt just looking at it…
I owned one, and wear glasses anyhow.
It was doubly bad
She gave you a migraine machine?! How sweet.
That thing fucks! I played one once when I was a kid, and it was the most magical gaming experience I remember having until I played HTC Vive. That has to be 20-25 years apart
You must be seeing red
No she didn’t.
That migraine attack after the third round of virtual tennis always gives me the incapacitating pain…
As a child, I asked for a VB for Christmas and my grandma bought me an R-Zone with a copy of Mortal Kombat for Game Gear.
I had some kind of starfoxish hame for it I remember.
You look familiar, didn’t you post about being in the hospital like a year ago or something? If so, i take it you’re feeling better. We were rooting for you!
VB Wario Land is fucking awesome
This gave kids seizures. My buddy had it, with a spaceship game. It was pretty awesome for the time but certainly a novelty.
Oh man, I can feel the headache already Ha
Sweet system though
I remember when those were put on display at our local Blockbuster video. Behold, the future.
That’s worth way more.
And you’re a liar or comedian.
Quest 2 sells for about a hundo less than a complete Virtual Boy. You made out like a bandit, friendo.
OMG you kill me 😂i cant believe grandma would buy this mistaking it for a quest 2 that’s HILARIOUS gahahekakaaia hommina hommina hommina AWOOGA got me coughing blood over here
I love how big those things are and it’s just a one coloured gimmick of a headache. I played one for less than 2 minutes.
A buddy of mine has one of those when I was a kid and I always wanted one. He had a game called Teleroboxer and it was hard as fuck.
Mint that thing is prob worth more