Got myself battlefront 2 and i must say the original BF2 is way better the gameplay is so generic.
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Got myself battlefront 2 and i must say the original BF2 is way better the gameplay is so generic.
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I thought the gameplay and shooting of the new EA one was better, it just had barely any content to keep me playing.
The originals are always better especially when talking about anything star wars after the disney takeover. The originals had replay value. You could literally play the game for 24hrs straight without getting bored The new ones get boring after about an hour or 2. Also, the original BF2 had the GOATED conquest mode. If you know, you know. Plus split screen! Talk about all nighters with the boys… and even the selection of heroes and villians was better! Mace Windu, Jango Fett, Aayla Secura, Ki Adi Mundi.
Squad + star wars mod = bf3
Never played the original but this one wasn’t that bad.
I just want a remastered version of the original battle front 2. Imagine the Hoth battle in modern graphics
What a unique and brave opinion.